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oikawa practically flew to his bed as he heard his phone ding, perhaps finally it's an answer from iwaizumi.

and it was.

the two of them had been talking for a while now, met up a couple more times, but now it was mainly text messages and phone calls as Iwaizumi found himself busy with projects and campaigns. oikawa, on the other hand, looked forward to meeting iwaizumi again.

there was something about him that made oikawa lose all rational thinking and rush to him if he agreed to meet up. it almost felt like this was slowly turning into an obsession, but oikawa could not care less. iwaizumi was the first person and so far the only person who understood him, who shared the same troubles as him and who would go out of their day just to reply to a text.

oikawa knew, he knew iwaizumi was as busy as he could be, doing interviews, participating in debates and all the other important government events as a politician, but he would still take his phone out and reply to oikawa whenever he could. because he felt the same - oikawa was one person who truly understood him.

"yes, let's meet up at 8. my driver will pick you up" oikawa reread iwaizumi's reply before falling onto his bed and clutching his phone to his chest. it had been a while since the two of them saw each other, for a while it was only texts and a few occasional calls whenever iwaizumi found the time.

"alright, i will be waiting" oikawa texted back before jumping up. he needed to prepare for the meeting, pick out the best clothes, do his hair and perhaps even apply make up.

his phone buzzed again, but even from the closet he could see that the text was not from iwaizumi, but sakae. his girlfriend, well, ex-girlfriend. how did he even manage to stay with her for so long? perhaps their relationship was just a show of status, two beautiful people together, just like in movies - but they didn't love each other.

sakae liked the idea of having oikawa as her boyfriend, because she could always show off to strangers or so on, reject guys who would hit her up, and use him as a person who would buy her drinks and lunch. to oikawa, she was an escape from family who kept pestering him to find someone, a cover up.

but, as i said, there was no love involved. perhaps at first they both felt a spark, perhaps it was just a crush at first but it faded away. sakae found other people, while still insisting that oikawa was hers, and oikawa just...didn't care anymore.

so he broke up with her.

he really did think she wouldn't care.

but apparently she did. perhaps it was her damaged pride or jealousy but she kept texting him, asking why he did that, asking whether there is a girl better than her, insulting him and then asking to get back together.

oikawa got lost in thoughts rather quickly, drifting off into his mind and reminiscing on all the moments he and sakae had together. there were good times. he only came back to reality when his phone buzzed.

this time it was from iwaizumi, asking whether he is ready as the driver is coming to pick him up. oikawa found himself frantically putting on the first pair of pants he took and hastily combing his hair to the side. just as he was done, the driver outside called for him.

the ride was as awkward as ever. not the first time oikawa is in iwaizumi's car, his driver still looked at him in a weird way, probably wondering who this tall guy is and why is iwaizumi demanding utmost care when delivering this guy to him. oikawa, as always, stared at his phone the whole time. he and iwaizumi exchanged a few more messages before the car abruptly stopped, making oikawa's phone launch forward.

"oh, sorry" the driver spoke as oikawa scrambled to get him phone.

"it's cool, no big deal" oikawa gave him a reassuring smile, just like many millennials, he finds himself in a place to be apologizing to workers for their effort.  sure, fast food employees have to make his food, yet he still apologizes for the effort, they don't have to rush, they don't have to act like they are happy, we know you're tired man, be yourself, tell me to fuck off.

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