I open my eyes to see Bilbo looking at me worriedly. I let out a breath before gently grabbing his hand and pulling him to the little camp we made for the moment.

"I apologize Master Baggins...I'm just...stressed." I whispered to him and he frowns but nodded.

My frown dropped before turning into a smile. My head snaps up when I hear the howling.

"Is that a wolf? Are there wolves out there?" Bilbo asked hiding behind me.

"Wolves? No that was not a wolf." Bofur says pulling Bilbo behind him and I let my senses overtake my mind. My ears listening to the charging footprints.

My eyes widen before grabbing my bow notching an arrow and swinging around letting it fly and hit its mark.

The warg goes down from its spot behind Thorin and everyone looked to me surprised but Thorin's eyes widen.

"Watch out!"

Before I could react another warg was charging from behind me about to pounce but Kili shoots an arrow at hits shoulder making it trip but look at me going to killer mode.

I close my eyes and focus slowly letting the smell I produced spread around the dwarves.

The warg started whimpering at the smell and tried to get away making me open my eyes.

I feel my eyes flash blue then red and it growls but before it or I could do anything Dwalin snaps its neck.

"Warg scouts! Which means an Orc pack is not far behind!" Thorin says making me huff. Orc Filth.

I spit on them all.

"Orc pack?" Bilbo said as if he wasn't hearing correctly.

"Who did you tell about your quest beyond your kin?" Gandalf asked Thorin who looks confused.

"No one!"

"Who did you tell!?"

"No one! I swear! What on Durin's name is going on?"

Gandalf looked at me and nod. Quickly I grabbed my bow, notching an arrow. I bend my knees before letting my advanced eyesight scour the lands. 20 or more at least.

"You are being hunted!" Gandalf spoke before ok'ing to my side.

"20 head. All are riding Gundabad Wargs. We have been followed for a few days now. I've spread my scent. Scare them from coming too close." I gently whisper to him and he nods.

"Good. Hopefully, they will stay at a distance for now..."He spoke and I tilt my head up at him.

"No. they already sent in the scouts, they are brave now. We must leave." I said turning quickly sheathing my arrow and pulling my bow across my back.

"We have to get out of here." Dwalin said and I see Ori come running up.

"We can't! We have no ponies! They bolted!" My eyes widen.

White shadow will have stayed close. Meaning she is safe.

"I'll draw them off!" Radagast said and causing both me and Mithrandir to look at him like he is crazy.

"These are Gundabad Wargs! They will outrun you!" I said making everyone look at me crazy at how I knew that.

"These are Rhosgobel rabbits! I'd like to see them try!" He spoke confidently and I shake my head before grabbing Bilbos' hand.

If we are being hunted then he is staying close to me. I look to Gandalf who nodded to me confirming my thoughts.


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