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Snow was beginning to coat the ground, shrouding everything in mystery, much like the golden egg. The first night when Harry opened it, we all thought a banshee had appeared in the room. It didn't do anything to break up the party, which lasted until morning, no matter how many times Minerva came up to tell us to shut it down. Somewhere in that time, Harry and Ron finally made up, which was a relief to everyone. 

The next morning was not a relief. An article about the first task came out, and to my horror, there I was on the front page with Harry and Hermione. The picture Rita Skeeter had snapped of us hugging Harry for good luck had been spun for a romance story. It caused my blood to boil. she hadn't gotten my full name, which I was glad for. But, there was enough in the article to be a beacon for anyone who didn't know where I was. 

I thought Lucius was going to explode when he burst into the school Sunday morning with the Daily Prophet clutched in his hands. Draco had nearly wet himself, thinking Lucius was coming for him. I hadn't noticed him at first, since I was still half asleep. It was early, Hermione making me and Neville get up early to get homework done. It wasn't until Lucius slammed the paper in front of me I even knew he was there. 

The expletives that had come out of my mouth made everyone look at me in shock, even Neville, who had heard everything. The words Lucius used in Dumbledore's office had me surprised, even though Minerva tried to cover my ears during most of it. Moody, Severus and Minerva had all been present for that one. All present were surprised Lucius had come himself to straighten it out, but it didn't surprise me. 

I was in danger more now then ever. If Lucius hadn't come, Narcissa would have. It would have been worse for everyone involved if she had been the one. It had taken most of the morning to calm Lucius down enough to explain to him how I would be guarded, leaving Hermione and Neville out of the picture. He didn't seem happy about Moody, but there wasn't a lot we could do. I had already said no to the Auror.

The only person who didn't say anything was Severus, which didn't go unnoticed. Lucius made some rather pointed comments to him, which were all ignored as Severus stared at me. I hadn't told Lucius about Severus being distant, which was a mistake on my part.

Lucius finally left around lunch after promises made by Dumbledore and Moody to keep me protected and safe. I walked him to Hogsmead, where he would Apparate home. On the way, he assured me Rita Skeeter would be dealt with. I just shrugged, not saying much. He noticed my silence, but just sighed. After he left and I returned to the castle, I joined the others in the library, ignoring their questions. 

A few days later, Fleur and Louis introduced me to their little sister, Gabrielle, who was just so cute. She blushed when I said so, but was pleased. Cedric was now talking to me more, now the first task was over with, for which I was grateful. It was his last year, which meant it was the last time we would have time to just hang out before he went into the Ministry. 

It was about three weeks before Christmas when Dumbledore made an announcement that filled the hall with excitement, and my bones with dread. 

The Yule Ball would be held on Christmas Eve.


I was resting my head on my Transfiguration textbook, waiting for someone to say they needed my help with their potions work. Like Hermione, I was completely caught up with my homework, but I wasn't working ahead like she was. I didn't have the energy. I still wasn't eating a lot, though it had increased since the beginning of the year and I was gaining weight back. I wasn't getting a lot of sleep, too afraid someone was going to burst into the dorm and kill me.

"Ivory, are you alright?" Fleur asked, her voice soft. She had grown to use my name, saying it fit me more then Ivy ever did. I didn't agree with her, but who was I to argue? 

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