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As I made my way towards Hagrid's hut, I couldn't help but hang my head a little bit. My conversation with Fred had gone as I thought it would, but it still hurt. He cited many times I hadn't been the girlfriend he'd needed, and he'd caved. He owned up that it had been a dumb thing to do while still technically with me, but it was still true. Everyone who knew me could tell I was still in a strange depressed mood, though it was different this time. He wanted to be friends, and I had agreed like an idiot. 

I didn't know how I was supposed to be friends with him. He had cheated on me with another girl and made it out to be my fault as well as his. Maybe it was, but it didn't make it easier. Maybe I should have let Cedric beat him up when I had the chance. My life would have been easier. 

"Didn't go well?" Neville asked, matching step with me. 

"I'm never dating again," I hissed, slipping out of my robes as we walked. It was pretty hot outside and the heat was making my back itch. "If I even think about it, pinch me."

"I'm not pinching you," he snorted, shaking his head. He was about to say something else when we came into view of Hagrid's hut. There were crates everywhere, and they were all rattling. "Can you pinch me to make sure I'm dreaming."

"You're not dreaming," I muttered, taking my place next to Blaise and Draco while Neville stood next to Dean and Harry. "Hey, Blaise."

"Hey, Ivy," he said, smiling at me. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm here and alive," I said, wiggling my eyebrows. Blaise had come over a few days before term started, so he had seen first hand what I looked like. He had been kind to not say anything, but he was worried about me like everyone else. "I'm swearing off dating."

"I give it three months," Draco said, earning a pinch in the arm. "Hey!"

"Alright class," Hagrid said, rubbing his hands together in excitement. "For the next few weeks, or months, we will be raising Blast-Ended Skrewts."

"What are they for?" Draco asked, sounding appalled. 

"Well, they're for learning," Hagrid said, giving him a level look before continuing. "Now, I haven't really figured out what they eat yet, so that's what we're going to figure out. Now, I have a few different things: some frog brains, chicken livers and some deer meat. Why don't you all grab some of each and see what they take too."

"I'm not sticking my and in there," Lavender Brown squealed, and I hated to agree with her, but I did. 

"Now come on, they're not dangerous," Hagrid pressed, but I met Hermione's eyes and sighed, shaking my head. 

It was only my love for Hagrid that led me to pick up frog brains and reach into a box. Harry joined us with some deer and Ron grumbled, grabbing chicken liver. Neville just looked overly pale as he joined us. 

"Why are they called Blasted-Ended Skrewts?" I head Dean ask from the box next to ours. 

Hagrid was about to answer when one of the creatures in our box wiggled its hindquarters. I wasn't paying much attention until a blast of flames shot out, straight at me. I let out a blood curdling scream, yanking my hand away and dropping the frog brains. I could feel my body shaking, memories fighting their way forwards. 

"Ivy?" Neville asked, reaching towards me, but I saw Draco shake his head. "Ivy, it's okay."

I was aware everyone was staring at me, especially Hagrid, who had been told what happened. I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart and shaking. I looked at Hagrid, offering him a weak smile. "I'm fine."

"Someone's afraid of fire," Pansy sneered, causing Blaise to turn a glare at her. "What, it's stupid. Who's afraid of fire?"

"Shut your mouth," Neville hissed, causing everyone to stare at him, including Draco. He seemed to realize his outburst and looked down blushing. 

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