Chapter Twenty: Plan of Action

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Aurora continued up the stairs, fully aware that she'd left the boys stunned at the bottom. Sometimes, going against everyone's expectations was worth their reactions. She couldn't help grinning as she took her seat next to Erin in History of Magic, noticing that Erin was looking at her warily.

"So," Kim piped up from the seat behind her, "how'd it go?" Ron turned around in his seat to stare at the trio with interest.

"How'd what go?" Aurora asked innocently as she brought out a quill and a bit of parchment.

"You are so aggravating sometimes," Kim complained. "You know what we mean - what did they do when you blew up at them?"

"I didn't," she replied simply. The three of them stared at her in amazement, their gazes shifting from her abruptly as Harry hurried over to take his seat next to Ron.

"Harry, tell us what happened," Ron demanded.

"Yeah, Aurora's trying to tell us she didn't get mad at you," Kim said, "I think we all know her too well to believe that." Harry grinned at them.

"She didn't," he said as he too withdrew a quill and parchment. Their mouths dropped open in disbelief as they studied first his face, then hers again.

"No way," breathed Kim.

"You would have ranted at us," Erin said, a bit disappointed.

"Yeah," Ron agreed, "We were looking forward to hearing about a good arse-chewing."

"Ronnie!" Erin scolded. "Don't use that language!"

"Sorry to disappoint you, then," Aurora said calmly as she prepared to take notes on whatever subject Professor Binns was planning on babbling about. The group once again grew quiet as Jamie entered just as the bell rang. She didn't say a word to anyone, and avoided their eyes as she sat next to Kim, the only empty chair in the now-crowded classroom.

Aurora sighed as Kim leaned forward. "Do you think she'll ever start talking to me again?" Aurora asked.

"Eventually," Erin said reassuringly. "She's still upset right now, give her a bit of time."

Kim glanced over her shoulder at her friend as Professor Binns began droning on about the Goblin Raids of 1216.

"I think she's just too stubborn to admit that you had every right to bash the little snot's face in," she said, a little too loudly. Jamie's back stiffened, but she did not otherwise acknowledge the comment as she furiously scribbled notes onto her parchment. After class ended, Jamie immediately jumped from her seat and headed towards Charms. By the time the rest of the group left the classroom, she was out of sight.

"I just don't get her," Kim exclaimed for what seemed like the thousandth time. "What is it about Doofus that makes her choose him over us?"

"Like Erin said earlier, I think she's just upset right now - it'll work itself out," Harry offered.

"We'll see you guys in the library this afternoon," Erin said. "Bye, Ronnie!" Ron blushed, as he always did when she called him Ronnie, then mumbled goodbye in return before rushing away with Harry. The trio of Ravenclaws made their way towards Charms, nearly running into Basil on the way.

"Hey all," he greeted. His smile faded as he saw the glum looks on their faces. "What's wrong?"

"Jamie," Aurora said simply.


A silence fell over the group as they entered the classroom. Seeing Jamie smiling and talking animatedly to Draco did nothing to ease any of their apprehension, and as the group took their seats, they overheard part of the duo's conversation.

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