Popular ~ DS

477 13 2

Ship: Daniel x girl
Type: Fluff

Daniel was the most popular kid in school. He was known by everyone for his typical bad boy looks. The black jean jacket, black ripped skinny jeans with messy hair to match. You could typically find the boy skipping class to smoke, or even trying to impress the girls with his red mustang in the school parking lot. He was pretty laid back, fairly nice to everyone, but he didn't care much for school. The few times he was in class, he was usually cracking jokes in the back.

The boy had one weakness though. And her name was Elsie May. You mess with Elsie, you mess with Daniel. Though she only knew the boy by his name and his popularity, not really knowing him. But she came to know him real well, real soon. And it all started with a push.

"Watch where you're going slut." Austin sneers as he pushes me into the lockers hard enough to leave me on the ground. I frown, rubbing my arm as I glance at the boy. I didn't focus on him though as my eyes landed on the boy further down the hall, his hands balled into fists.

"What the fuck did you just say to her Porter?" Daniel snaps, walking over to him. The hallway had gone quiet, watching the scene unfold.

"I called her a slut. Why's it matter to you pretty boy?" He chuckles. Daniel clenches his jaw, unable to hold back as he punches him right in the face, grabbing his shirt and pressing him to the locker in one swift motion.

"If you fucking touch her again, fuck that if you do much as glance in her direction I will not hesitate to fuck your ass up." He growls, shoving him onto the locker one last time before letting go.

Austin just glared at him before leaving. The hall starts chattering again and I quickly try to pick up my books. I was surprised to say the least when I saw black boots in front of me, hands helping pick up my papers. A hand is reached out to me, an offering to help me up. I follow it to see Daniel, his piercing blue eyes a lot softer than before. I blush, taking his hand to help myself up.

"Uh here you go." He says sheepishly, handing me some of my English papers.

"Thank you." He smiles, his cheeks tinting a light shade of pink.

"Um can I maybe take you on a date? I just- you're really pretty and-" I place a peck on his cheek, cutting him off.

"I'd love too." He smiles widely, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"See you at 9 sweetheart."



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This was a request!

Bad boy Daniel who likes an innocent girl (:

Remember to request! I hope y'all liked it 😁 the pic is how Daniel looks btw haha

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