My feet resumed their place on the ground, but unlike last time I actually had control over my movements. Bringing my hands to meet the cold walls, I turned around and took it all in. For as uneasy as this place made me feel, it also brought a feeling of comfort which I hadn't expected.

With the sound of a slight cough irrupting from behind me, I lost the ability of control and my body moved on it's own allowing me to be face-to-face with a guy who looked a lot like an older and more tanned version of Eduardo.

Seeing my obvious confusion followed by surprise that I felt creep onto my face, he released an amused laugh. "It's the third time I find you here this week." His voice... it sounded just like Ed... slightly older, yes... but still Eduardo.

I was completely caught off guard, but my body didn't react accordingly to how I felt. It laughed and smiled warmly at him before walking over to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. "Memories."

"You say that every time."

Trying to answer was out of the question as everything shifted again, bringing me to a different scene. This time I was sited next to Claire or my physical body was, at least, while I was just floating watching myself interact with one of my best friends.

"It's still not a good idea... I know that I came to call you guys, but..." Her voice fell with each word that left her lips.

I watched myself place a reassuring hand on her shoulder as I tried to make myself look strong. "Hey, it's fine. You don't have to worry. It's nice to know that we're needed for more than just some experiments or as little teammates that did nothing to gain their place in the said team other than rebel against everyone." The second part was an obvious lie. We had saved them so we had in fact done something worth the while to be approved into their team. Even if we had rebelled, we still came through to help them just like they did us, but I understood where I was coming from... after all, that was still me talking.

"Hey! That's not true! You guys-"

"Shush! Don't interrupt me, child!" As she stared at me for a while you could see the gears in her head-turning in an extraordinarily slow pace as she took in my joking attitude. And then, she laughed hysterically before urging me to continue through the laughed tear-filled eyes.

My eyes softened slightly at the sight that unfolded before me. This was and is, exactly, how Claire and I interact with each other... its the way we get each other to smile and relax...

I wanted to watch further, but the world wanted to interrupt me... not that I'm really complaining... it still hurt to know that my friend was far from my reach thanks to, ironically, the Reach. Counterintuitive, isn't it?

Everything around me stopped for a moment, moving in slow motion. Allowing me to watch the new scene unfold:

"Felicity!" A childish scream came from behind me, followed by the sound of little feet hitting the rocky ground filled the silent air. The female voice continued squealing until I felt something hit my back as little arms wrapped themselves around my neck and legs dangled from my back.

"Hola, Sasha."

"You're back! You're back! Mommy, she's back! She's back!"

"Sasha! I told you to stay in bed and sleep!"

"¡Pero mamá! She's back!" An amused laugh escaped my lips as my arms shot back and in one swift movement brought the seven-year-old into my arms. She was no longer dangling from my back but continued with her arms around my neck with a goofy and childish grin on her face.

"Your Spanish is improving."

"Really?" Her eyes twinkled in delight and an even bigger smile overtook her face as she threw her arms up in joy causing me to lose my balance and almost fall backwards and drop her. Luckily, no one got hurt as an arm wrapped around my back and a hand grabbed one of her wrists pulling her to me.

"Either I've gone insane from the lack of sleep or that chico just teleported." I had already noticed Señora Diaz watching my interaction with her daughter, but I hadn't noticed Eduardo spawning behind me to catch me.

And then everything around me started to fade away like sand in the wind. In a heartbeat Sasha has disappeared from my arms, Ed's hand was no longer on my back as he too disappeared, and when I looked back at where Señora Diaz stood... she was gone...

With a tired grunt, my body shifted under warm sheets. Forcefully, I sat down, eyes still closed, body swaying from side to side and sheets falling down.

I groggily grabbed my phone that sat neatly on the bedside-table, switching it on, once it stood in my hands, I saw the time 23:58 PM. Allowing my body to crash back down, I ignored the thought of putting my phone back on the bedside-table or of bringing the sheets back up to over myself.

My ignorance was also so great that it missed the Japanese teen who was sited with her bedside-lamp on and an English to Japanese dictionary in her hands, staring at me in surprise.


Next Chapter Preview:

"Hello young man, does a girl named Felicity live here?"

And cue the sound of a bowl crashing onto the floor and breaking into a billion little fragments of shock and despair while ultimately flying all over the floor, incapacitating us from ever walking bare feet.

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