Chapter 26

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“Well, we can't stay out here forever. What we need to do is come up with a plan. So we better start thinking if we want out,”  Rose directed. They curled up along the tree trunk, shivering. Shivat leans in on Rose's lap as Rose lays her head on Queen Stellina's shoulder. “I don't know,” Mare muttered. Amos fought the urge to sleep by blinking repeatedly, until he finally closed his eyes. Melody narrowed her eyes and pecked at his face. Amos shooed the bird away laughing lightly. “Stop that! Let me sleep,” he said turning away. Shivat tilted her head and began nibbling at his finger. Amos pulled his hand away. “Really? Is this ‘against Amos day or something?’” Rose turned and poked his arm. “Hey, stay awake. It isn’t the best idea to sleep right now, especially after hitting your head.”

Amos smiled at her then paced around the tree to keep himself occupied.  Rose glanced down, pursing her lips. Smoothing out her pants, she then felt a small bump. Surprised by the bump, she dug into her pocket to find the Tangingerine stone still glowing as it reflected the falling stars. Rose’s eyes widened as she stood up. She glanced up as the white stars fell through the clouds. “Get up!” she called smiling. “What is it?”, Queen Stellina asked, hope burning in her eyes. “I got a plan. You might think I’ve lost it, but we are going to run through the forest and get to Flames. After we deal with him, we launch our attack on Queen Spina. You ready?”, she said pumped. Mila gaped at Rose, as well as Melody and Shivat. “Are you crazy?! There are stars falling from the sky! Literally, anyone one of us could get striked!”, Mila said gesturing to the sky. Fiama stood up, her eyes glowing bright orange. “I have an idea and Amos, don’t call me stupid, but I can make a barrier like Celeste did, but mine is fire.”

“Wait, what if I wrap my vines around the treetops, as a roof while we’re running through. It can protect us a little so we’re not in direct contact with the stars. It will be like a double layer under Fiama’s fire,” Mila added. Mare then took sides with Mila. “And I will add a layer of water. So vines first, water, then fire. I think it will do.” Rose nodded her head in approval. “This is good. Alright, Mila, work your magic!”

Mila took a few steps backward and lifted her arms, vines coming out through her fingertips, the vines wrapping around treetop after treetop. Making a long vault of vines above their heads, down the forest. Then as the vines extended, little flower buds came into bloom such as pink and blue topaz, purple scapolite and citrine. Mare took Mila’s place, pouring a pool of water onto the vines without the water slipping through. Finally, Fiama climbed onto a branch and extended her arms, fire shooting out from her palms. Rose nodded as she examined the vault of elements above her head, in awe of their amazing capabilities. “We need to go,” Queen Stellina said as she lead the way to the darkness once more. 

They dashed through the forest, in fear of what would come next. Then unexpectedly, a bright white star came crashing onto the fire, making an explosion of heat and light above them. They began to pick up their pace as a swarm of stars clashed with the fire, breaking through to the water. They sprinted so fast that they beat the speed of the elements dispersing above them, losing their protection. “ALMOST THERE!,” Rose called behind her shoulder. Stealing a glance up at the sky, Rose gasped. A large star was coming her way. Just when the star was about to strike her, she shot a ray of light in its path, repelling the star. Rose laughed in relief, then stopped short.

“Oh my stars! We made it!,” Rose cried. Queen Stellina and the rest of the group stood beside her breathless. Fear filled the atmosphere as Queen Spina’s castle grew thicker in iron and thorns. Rose faced them all with determination on her face. “Tonight, we are done with her. I need someone to be the bait.” Before anyone could speak, she began again. “Thanks, Amos. Alright, you go and search for Flames, just like Fiama said. Right before Flames jumps you, Mila will wrap her vines around him. Got it?”

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