Story 10: Spectacular Spider-Man "Complete Bond"

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Peter went to the hospital to check on aunt May, after her run in with the sinister six, that gave here a heart attack.
Luckily she's recovering, but peter is worried, while aunt mays trying to calm him down a bit, "aunt May, you had a Heart Attack!" Peter said to her in her hospital room, and aunt May replied, "A little one," a little bit later, aunt May sent peter to school, but on his way out of the hospital, one of the nurses gave him a clip board that included the bill...
At school all of Peters friends where woried about him and Aunt May, since MJ, had told them, Peter was annoyed, and then he stormed out of school, and they swung around in his black suit, thinking to themselves about how they needed money to pay for Aunt Mays hospital Bills, Jameson wouldn't pay much, and then they thought of someone who would, so they swung to where they knew he would be... when hey got inside they easily defeated tombstones men, and then they make a deal with him... they really needed the money, for Aunt Mays sake...
After making the deal with tombstone, peter went back to the hospital to check on aunt May again, while their, he runs into Eddie, who claims Peter cost him his job, but Peter didn't really care...
But as he went inside, he got a phone call from Gwen, but he hung up, and then Flash spoke to him, and as flash was leaving, he muttered, "Pfft, a guy that can't even see when his friends are trying to help"
Peter quickly left, and landed on a tower, thinking to Himself, "okay, if Flash Thompson's making sense, then something's obviously wrong, why... why did I blow off my friends? Mj, Liz... Gwen..... she's always been there for us, since the seventh grade- what about the fight with the sinister six? The one that we slept through? Or the fact, that we asked tombstone for a job..." he started swinging to a church, "or the fact that I keep saying we, instead of I? It's the symbiote... its changing me..... it's taking over my life...." he landed inside the churches bell tower, before exclaiming. "I have to get it off"

He started to pull at the mask, he pried, and teared, but it wasn't comming off-
He banged against the bell, and the noise of the bells ringing caused the ooze to ripple away from the source, peter stumbled away from it, and the mask pulled away from his face as it roared in pain,

Before it quickly reasserted itself onto his face- "the noise, the vibrations, you don't like them!" Peter realised, before he punched the bell, causing it to ring again, and he tore off the mask, but his victory was shot lived, the suit hardened ...

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Before it quickly reasserted itself onto his face- "the noise, the vibrations, you don't like them!" Peter realised, before he punched the bell, causing it to ring again, and he tore off the mask, but his victory was shot lived, the suit hardened so much that he couldnt move, and sent out tendrils that latched into the sides and ceiling of the bell tower, and pulled him off the floor to the ceiling, it started to form a cocoon around his body, Peter protested, but as soon as the cocoon had formed around his body, the mass oozed up his face, going from the back of his head, to surround his eyes, mouth and nose. "No, no no! Stop, STO-" but before he could finish his protest, the ooze used his screams to enter his mouth, cover and merge with his eyes, and enter his nostrils, and he blacked out-

 "No, no no! Stop, STO-" but before he could finish his protest, the ooze used his screams to enter his mouth, cover and merge with his eyes, and enter his nostrils, and he blacked out-

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When he awoke, he was in his house, but uncle Ben was there, he was forced to relive the events that gave him his powers, and then. The events that led to his uncle bens death.... as soon as he was confronting uncle bens murderer, and was holding him out of a window, a
He could finally see their face... and realised it was the person that he could have stopped earlier, he stalled.... "The... that face.... wh.... what have I done?" Then, the scene changed, the room around him dissolved into a plain grey room, and the criminal he was holding, was now his black suit, "why blame yourself?

 what have I done?" Then, the scene changed, the room around him dissolved into a plain grey room, and the criminal he was holding, was now his black suit, "why blame yourself?

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Before it dissolved out of his hands, and he fell to the floor, painful memorys now fresh in his mind....
"We didn't hurt uncle Ben, the world took him away from us.... the world takes away everything we love...." the black suit said to him, perched on one of the many webs around the room-

" the black suit said to him, perched on one of the many webs around the room-

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"There is no one you can trust, Peter Parker... no one., except us...."
The ooze continued- "join with us.... make our bond permanent...." it reached out its hand towards him "Together nothing can stop us... and everything we've ever wanted.... will be ours....."

Peter looked up at the symbiote, and

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Peter looked up at the symbiote, and... he couldn't help but trust it... maybe the pain of the memorys he'd just relived was getting to him.... but everything that it said felt true...
He took a moment to think.... was he sure he wanted what it had to offer? He thought it over for a few more seconds.... before he stood up, reached out to the things arm... and watched as it's hand melted away into little tendrils that reached out and latched onto his hand, extending down from his fingers, towards his wrist.

 and watched as it's hand melted away into little tendrils that reached out and latched onto his hand, extending down from his fingers, towards his wrist

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It sped up its pace... getting faster and faster the further it got down his arm, peter looked back up at the figure. And before they vanished into the ooze that was quickly consuming him... he saw it smile...
he then blacked out as the tendrils completely encased him.
And he woke up in the bell tower, it was now dark out.... he had burst out of the cocoon, he felt stronger than he ever had in his life. Like he could pick up the Empire State Building without any problem, he smiled through his mask, hit noticing the razor sharp teeth his mask now had.
They swung off into the night... ready to test their new strength....

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