"Surprisingly gentle" Alastor x reader

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You grumbled under your breath. Annoyed at the fact that you're tied up and got a bruise on your cheek.

Let's recap as to what lead you into this position.

You (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n), are being sold, not to a human, but to a demon by your useless parents(sorry ’ ^ ’) who decided to be on a cult, create you, wait for you to be old enough at sixteen, and then sell you to a demon. Why? You don't really know but you guess that this is your life now.

In the middle of a pentagram, painted by your blood which dried off now, surrounded by candles while your parents chant some weird crap and you sitting boredly and in pain in the middle of the said pentagram. Blood dripping down from your hands and feet.

You watched the still flames suddenly jerk around as if there was air blowing it.. When there was none.

As your parents finish their chants, it was still.


The lights from the candles was blown out by the nonexistent wind as the pentagram below you glowed a faint red.

'Welp, guess I'll die. Oh well, life's been nothing but shit anyway. Man.. I'll miss eating junkfood' you thought.

After that, you noticed you guys were in complete darkness.

"Did it work..?" Your mom asked.

"M-my lord.. Are you there..?" Now it was your father's turn to ask.

You didn't speak even though you were tempted to throw in some of your sassy sarcasm so you just rolled your eyes instead.

From out of nowhere, you can hear a ringing noise, growing louder and more disoriented, as if a ghost was playing around a radio, trying to turn it in a different channel and failing miserably.

Everything became louder and louder but you still didn't give a shit, you mostly just feel annoyed at the inconvenience.

And then as if a drop of water fell into a still cup of water, everything went silent.

Well it was silent until a man spoke that wasn't your father. You can tell because first of all, he doesn't sound like he came out of a radio and was all happy and giddy about it.

"Ah! What a surprise! Not a very pleasant one since I was interrupted from my hunt, but still a surprise nonetheless!" He said.

"We apologize for interrupting or bothering you in the slightest my lord, but we have a sacrifice served for you." NOW your father spoke.

"'My lord'? Oh I am very flattered! But no need for formalities!" They said.

You looked behind you to see a glowing red microphone with an eye and two more glowing eyes looking towards your father if your guess was right and what you assume is a glowing sharp smile below the two eyes.

The eyes then looked down on you in interest while you still looked very uninterested.

"You can do whatever you want with her sir, she's all yours." Your mother spoke.

The eyes never left you and you didn't look away either. They looked cool after all.

"Sup" you greeted.

You heard a gasp and a growl which came from the two people behind you as you saw the smile slightly go wider if that's even possible.

You felt an impact on your side as you got thrown to the side like a ragdoll. Someone had kicked you but you made no noise.

You looked back towards the glowing face to see it's mouth slightly open and eyes which grew wider. They looked startled which means they weren't the one who did that. Until you heard your father speak.

"You brat! How dare you talk so casually in front of them like that! I am so sorry about that, I should've sewn their mouth close."

Every part of your body aches and your shoulders would even twitch now and then(this happens to me, I'd sometimes twitch and it feels like I'm getting zapped from the inside XD).

You still didn't move but you were still looking at the 'demon'.

"First of all.. If she's really here for me then I can't help but feel a little offended. Its like you served me a young bruised apple only for you to kick it away! And to say the least, you summoned me while I was hunting and so, I never got my fill." They chuckled but you can easily notice that it was fake and forced.

"N-no! That's not- I'm sorry–" your father got cut out as a hole underneath him opened up and these black tentacle things wrapped around his limb, the light from the hole was enough for you to see your mother cower in the corner and for you to see the said demon.

"How about next time, you don't serve a starved beast a meal and then kick it away? Oh and.. Next time, don't taunt a carnivore something he can't even eat." He chuckled before tearing your father's limbs apart.

He did the same with your mother and as the portal thing along with the tentacles disappear, you heard a crunch.

He must've taken a bite from them. Dang, you were gonna whoop their ass after you come back from the dead. Guess that ain't happenin now. Bummer.

After a few moments of you being bummed out on the floor, you heard footsteps going towards your direction.

'Oh.. Its my turn. Good thing I can't feel my limbs anymore.' You thought.

The footsteps stopped and the light suddenly turned on making you flinch from the bright light.

You saw the room splattered in blood, your parents nowhere in sight.

You looked towards the demon, looking like a man with deer horns and.. Ears..? Long red hair that reaches up to his neck and gray skin. He's also wearing one of those 90's suit but of course.. In red. In his hand, he's holding a microphone cane looking thing.

What surprises you more is that he doesn't seem to have a drop of blood on him.

"What's with the look? You look more of a corpse than those two!" He laughed.

I snorted quietly and rolled my eyes, talk about dark humor here.

"Must be these bindings that's holding you down." He said and snapped his fingers, the rope on my wrist and ankles being torn to shreds.

But even so, I still didn't move.

"Are you dead? No you can't be, you reacted to me just a little earlier." He mumbled, puzzled to your lack of movements.

"Well.. I am.. I am dying.." You responded boredly. Throat dryer than the Sahara desert.

He perked up at your voice.

"That won't do!" And with that, he picked you up gently, now seeing your bruises and wounds, blood going down your chin. You're pretty sure you broke a rib or two.

He went out of the room, which was your attic.

Went to the living room and sat you down on the sofa which is turning red because of your injuries.

You're surprised you're still alive from the amount of blood you lost and losing right now.

He summoned medical things out of thin air from just a snap and started patching you up.

After he was done, he grinned, proud of his work before genuinely smiling down on you and holding out a hand.

"The name's Alastor my dear, pleasure to meet you! You're quite the tough young little lad."

You weakly grinned back and took his hand as he gently shook it.

"(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n). Pleasure's all mine Alastor." And with that small introduction, you finally passed out.

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