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- The next morning Gabriele decides to go visit his parents outside the city. Niccolo, Matteo and Lorenzo leave the mansion to go do some errands. Gastaldi stays home to rest. Arwen & Ella get to know Massimiliano.

Massimiliano: So, yall wanna have a threesome or something? 'Cause I'm so down.
Simone: I'm here as well you know-
Massimiliano: Uhm, I don't want to see you naked.
Simone: You think I wanted to see you half-naked a few days ago when you were about to have sexual intercourse with a dead person?!
Arwen: Huh?!
Massimiliano: Hey, don't expose me!
Ella: Boys will be boys.

- Simone looks at Arwen.

Simone: So Gastaldi cheated, huh?
Arwen: Yeah but-
Ella: Yeah he did that prick!

- Gastaldi walks by them and overhears Ella.

Gastaldi: Was shooting me not enough for you!? Oh, and Arwen can we talk?
Simone: Pretty sure she doesn't want to mate.
Gastaldi: Shut it, kid. Arwen, please.

- Simone rushes up to Gastaldi ready to punch the life out of him. Arwen gently pushes Simone aside.

Arwen: Thank you Simone, but I got this.

- Arwen looks up at Gastaldi's eyes.

Arwen: Gastaldi I don't want your bullshit right now.
Gastaldi: A-Arwen-
Massimiliano: Gastaldi I think it's best you leave.

- Gastaldi storms off to his room.

Simone: You okay?
Arwen: Mhm.
Massimiliano: So, uhm, Ella, Arwen. Has anyone ever told you, ladies, how perfect you both are?
Simone: That was so lame.
Ella: Whatever Massimiliano,let's go to the kitchen I'm hungry.
Massimiliano: Please call me Massi and I'm actually hungry too ! For you of course.
Arwen: Ew.

- The four of them go to the kitchen. Simone makes Italian lasagna just like his grandma used to make it for him when he was young. They all enjoy it and compliment Simone's cooking skills. Niccolo, Gabriele, and the others come home with what looks to be a new member. They enter the kitchen. Ella is still eating her lasagna while talking to Arwen.

Ella: And I oop-

- Ella looks up at the new guy and begins choking on the lasagna. Gabriele runs up to her and hits her on the back as she coughs out at what appears to be a ring.

Ella: Who the hell put a ring in my lasagna?!

- Massimiliano takes the ring from Ella's hand.

Massimiliano: Ella, will you marry me?
Arwen: Awh-

-  Ella slaps Massimiliano.

Ella: You hoe! One: I've only known you for a few days. Two: You could have killed me! Three: Arwen, this is so not awh!

- She hurries to her room.

Arwen: I'm going after her loosers.
Ethan: What the fuck mate?!
Massimiliano: Who the fuck even are you?
Ethan: I'm Ethan.
Niccolo: Yeah, he is a new member and I'd love if you'd treat him with some respect.

- Gastaldi comes down the stairs carrying a suitcase.

Gastaldi: I'm leaving and I'm not planning on coming back! I'm joining the Gamorrah!
Niccolo: Cugino! The Gamorrah?! After everything?
Gastaldi: You are all my enemies now, plus Ally is in the Gamorrah.

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