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The note read:

"You really don't remember? After all this time of me giving hints to you? I am the girl that you killed in that one alleyway at 7:44 P.M. I was walking in an alleyway when I suddenly saw you: a man with a dirty jacket, black mask, and sharp knife. That's when you struck me; right in the chest. I couldn't move my body as I fell limp onto the ground. The last thing I remember was rapidly losing blood as you brutally amputated my arm on some desk."

Alex's eyes widened. He suddenly remembered everything. His eyes began to water as tears began to fall onto the note.

However, he wasn't done reading the note. There was still one last excerpt.


You will pay for your crime."

Alex awoke with a scream. He heard thunder and rain outside. It was still really dark in his house. The power was on, but it was faltering. He also couldn't move. The light switch was on, but there was no light. The clock worked, however, and it said that the time was 7:44 P.M. The windows were slightly open and he could see everything outside. His bedroom door was open, and it wasn't some corridor like he saw earlier.

Suddenly, he saw a shadowy figure outside. It was holding some sort of object in its hand. It began to walk towards the direction of his house, and eventually entered his home. He was extremely shocked because he remembered locking the door. The shadowy figure walked from his family room, to his kitchen, to the hallway to his bedroom door. It began sprinting toward him, and as the object became as close as an inch in front of his face, the light turned on.

It was her.

And the last thing he saw were her dark, hollow eyes.

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