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Alex tried desperately to remember how he ended up in prison. He swore to himself that he remembered just an hour ago. Eventually, his overthinking made him even more tired and gave him a headache.

He eventually gave up.

So he straightened his pillow, climbed in his bed, closed his eyes, and went into his sleeping position.


Alex awoke.

The window in his room was shut, revealing no light.

It was hard for him to remember anything.

He wanted to see what time it was, but his alarm clock was off. His home phone was also shut off. 

The power seemed to be out.

He opened up the window blinds, but it was pitch black outside. He couldn't even see the bushes outside his window that he could usually see even if was pitch dark, because the bushes were really close to his house. 

Confused, Alex reached for his door to exit his room and get a bite to eat. He was starving.

After opening the door, Alex saw himself in a large corridor which multiple doors and rooms all over. 

This wasn't his house anymore.

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