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The next room was like the first room. It was another makeshift office that had objects on a desk. This time, there was a knife. There was liquid on the knife, but he couldn't inspect it clearly because of how dark the room was. There was also something pale on the desk.

After inspecting it closely and feeling its texture, Alex shrieked.

It was a child's arm.

Horrified, Alex dropped the knife and the arm and got out of the room and shut it. Although he was done with the third room, there was still another room. This one was the most eerie.

The room's door had dark liquid flowing from below it. There was also what seemed to be ink on the doorknob.

After calming down and taking a few deep breaths, Alex brought up the courage to open the final door.

That was his mistake.

He spotted a corpse on the ground that was the source of all of the dark liquid. He couldn't see the corpse's face or any other details clearly because of how dark the room was. There was also another note on a little desk.

He picked it up and read it.

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