Chapter 1

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I walked around the castle trying to fight my thist, I haven't had any blood for nine weeks because I couldn't leave home due to the hunters.
I saw my beautiful bride Rose spinning around in the ballroom, she was wearing a beautiful white dress and looked so happy.
She was to become my wife next week even though she's a human, but I loved her with all my non existing heart.
I saw her fall and then that's when I smelled it.....BLOOD.
I walked towards her and grabbed her by the throat, but she didn't seem afraid of me.
"I know that you need blood, you may have some of mine my love." She said with a smile and moved her brown hair behind her ear, exposing her beautiful neck.
I tried to fight it but the thirst was to strong so I sank my sharp fangs into her beautiful veins and drank her delicious warm blood.
I tried to stop myself before I killed her but I had no control, I was fighting with myself to stop but it was too late.
I dropped her lifeless body and let out a loud growl, I then came back to my senses and I saw that she wasn't moving.
"Rose?" I said in a panic and checked her pulse but it was no longer there, "ROSE!" I shouted and held her in my arms and began to sob.
"What have I done!?" I asked myself myself and held her close to me, I couldn't believe that she was dead. I decided to bury her myself and hoped that a hunter killed me for what I have done.
I went outside while holding her in my arms and I saw the hunters, they were actually in shock to see that my lady was dead.
"Look at what you've done beast! You killed her, and we shall make you live with this guilt for all eternity." He said and then rallied up the others and left me there to suffer, I couldn't die and I couldn't even feel pain but I felt it now.
I felt grief and I felt angry at myself for what I've done, but it was an accident.

 I felt grief and I felt angry at myself for what I've done, but it was an accident

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"Someday I shall join you my love, please wait for me." I said while digging her grave in the garden, she always loved it there so I wanted to make her happy.
I hoped that this so called god would kill me, I hope that he would punish me for killing my soon to be bride.
I wasn't able to go on without her, what was I going to do?

It was almost the day of the wedding and I told everyone about what had happened, and they were angry.
My stepfather locked me up in the cellar for what I had done, I killed the daughter of the king and I was put away for it.
Maybe I was a beast, or perhaps a monster.
I heard the thunder echo through the sky and I also heard the screaming, the king ordered death upon my family and they hid me away to keep me safe.
I wanted to die next to them because I killed the love of my life, I saw the blood come under the door but I was afraid to move.
I was afraid to taste blood again, and I didn't want to taste my families.
I didn't know how long I'd be trapped here, but it was for the best.
I couldn't hurt anyone again but I had a feeling that I wanted to see a dead body again, I wanted to see how far I could use my strength.
As I started to think about murder I felt this strange feeling creeping up my body, I felt my fangs completely coming out and I then kicked down the huge metal door and killed everyone.
I saw the same hunters who kept me alive, and I remembered that one of them called me a beast and maybe I was.
I ripped through them like butter and it felt amazing, it was like a strange high that I didn't want to leave.
"What a shame, you shouldn't have called me a beast. You should've killed me when you had the chance." I said and then scoffed, I walked out of the castle as if I was a boss.
I then decided to visit the king, I wanted to drop in and drain them all.
I allowed my wings to sprout out from my back and I flew three miles to the kings castle, I busted the window as I flew in and then landed onto my feet and looked at him with pure evil in my eyes.
His knights tried to corner me but I quickly flew in a circle and cut them all from the middle, I smirked as I saw their bodies fall.
"Park Jimin!" The king shouted before I tore him apart, there will now be a new king and that new king would be me!
I set down at the throne and look up at the ceiling, I saw the beauty in the stained glass.
I saw the staff walk in and they bowed at my feet, and began to clean up the mess that I just left for them.
This was going to be so much fun, the king of Seoul will dominate and no one could stop me.

This was going to be so much fun, the king of Seoul will dominate and no one could stop me

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[End Of Chapter]

Thirst: BTS [Jimin] FF 18+Where stories live. Discover now