Chapter 1 (Namiko's POV)

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I'd went missing 32 days ago and there was still an active search for me. At least that's what Dax told me. Regardless, I had been held hostage for 32 days. I was only allowed out of my room if Dax had a Job for me. My life had completely gone to shit. I had thought about killing myself multiple times and I had attempted once. Now, I'm watched like a hawk.

If only I had gone home early that night like Graham told me to, I'd be living my dream.


The Night I was Taken:

I looked around hesitantly as I walked to my car. I wasn't sure why but I had this really uneasy feeling in my stomach tonight. That was until I cut the corner.

I didn't mean to stand there and watch, but how could I not?! First, I was terrified. Secondly, I'd never in my life seen anything like it except on SyFy.

I sucked in a breath watching the scene unfold before me. I tried to keep quiet but I think one of them heard me breath because one of the men turned around and met my gaze.

On Instinct I quickly turned on my heel and began to run. I didn't hear the mans footsteps behind me, so, I slowed down and looked back to check. I was met with nothing but darkness.

Sighing a breath of relief I turned back around only to run into something hard, knocking me to the cold concrete.

"Finally, You move rather quickly, young one." He smiled down at me, showcasing his pearly white canines.

"I didn't see anything, I promise!" I exclaimed. My body began to shiver and my lip began to tremble. I was definitely about to cry.  This night wasn't going to end very well. I could feel it deep in my bones.

"I do not really care what you saw. I'm taking you to the boss regardless. He will enjoy a snack." His smile disappeared.

A snack?!


He yanked me up and I immediately began to fight. He simply ignore my soft hits.

"Stop." He grumbled as he threw me into the back of the Black Yukon.

'I'm going to die.' I thought to myself.

*Flashback Over*

The same night I met Dax, the leader of the Crimson Nile, a gang of vampires.

Dax was what I call a die hard, bonifide dickwad. He was a devilishly handsome Bonifide Dickwad but a Dickwad none the less. I hated the mans very presence and I avoided him at all costs. Out of everyone under this roof, Dax was the one I hated the most, he treated me like I wasn't worth his time. Not that I cared whether I was worth his time or not, but why keep me???

Jeremiah was my favorite though. He became my friend as soon as my feet graced  the threshold with their presence.

"Namiko, are you dressed?" Jeremiah knocked on my room door.

"Yeah, I'm dressed Jerry." I called back.

Jeremiah walked in looking as handsome as ever. I think I may have a slight crush on him too.

"I MISSED YOU FRIEND!!" He jumped on me, knocking us onto the floor.

Our friendship progressed quickly as you can see.

"Get off you big ogre!" I laughed loudly.

"Hey, I'm just trying to LOVE YOU!!!" He whined hugging me tighter.

"You can love me without laying your heavy ass on top of me."

"I see how it is. You don't love me." He fake sniffled as he slowly moved off me.

"Oh Shut up. So, what did you do today?"

"Same ole, Same ole. Picked up a few shipments and sucked a little blood." He shrugged helping me up.

"I'm surprised you haven't sucked my blood yet." I laughed.

"I like you too much, Nami. Plus, Dax claimed you already."

"The fuck do you mean, "Dax claimed you already?"" I asked with the screw face.

"Dax called dibs on you, darlin. The moment he laid eyes on you, you became his. The only man that'll be sucking your blood is Dax"

"Too bad I'd die before I let that asshole suck my blood. How can he claim me when he's done nothing but be a complete fucktard to me since I've been here. Not to mention he's slapped me around a bit too. Fuck, Dax!"

"SHHHHH, Nami! He might hear you!"

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!!!! FUUUUUCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!! DAAAXXXXXX!!!!!!! FUCK HIM!!!!" I yelled as I jumped on the bed.

"Nami!" Jeremiah jumped on me and put his hand over my mouth.  "SHHH!!! You don't want him to come in here do you?"

"Not really." I talked into his hand.

"Then shhh."

I nodded. I'd be a good girl, I guess.

"Thank you. Anyways, We're all going out tonight, so, get sexy, sexy. I'll be back in an hour to be your escort." He winked.

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