"Mum! Dad! Tuney! Up here!!" Although her voice projects far, Natsumi can see from her seat that she doesn't need it to, her family is quite near. "Tuney! Tuney!!" The girl she's calling, a tall, skinny blonde Natsumi assumes is a Muggle, refuses to acknowledge the calls. The two adults with her, on the other hand, are happily waving back to their daughter on the train, telling her to write often and to be safe. As the train pulls away from the platform, the two even chase after it. The sight is enough to both warm her heart and tighten her ribcage with jealousy.

"Crikey O'Riley, you've got gorgeous eyes--" Damn. She's turned around and looked at her, don't look at her, please, "You're not from around here, are you?"

Her eyes return to her lap, where it's safe, "Um, thank you, I--" she swallows, hoping a distraction would come to her rescue, "--I'm not from London." Please don't ask for specifics, please don't ask for--

"Yeah?" The girl takes a seat across from her and leans in, her arms resting on her legs, "Where from?" Damn.


"I figured, what with your accent and all." Natsumi lets out a breath of relief once it was clear that the other wouldn't insist that she wasn't from Wales, "And I can tell by your shoes that you're not a Muggleborn." She holds in a laugh at that, "Purebloods n' half-bloods always have the most interesting shoes, don't you think? Never any tennis or heels or sandals, you know?"

What a peculiar girl, "I, um, I always thought that Muggleborn shoes were a little strange." Her hands continue to fuss with her skirts.

The stranger laughs melodically, good natured, "What do you mean? My mary-janes are perfectly normal, thank you very much!" She lifts her foot up, pointed, showing it off, "But I suppose that's fair--The unfamiliar is always a little strange, right?"

Right. But giving human names to shoes is Natsumi's limit. She nods her agreement before finally daring to look up at the other. Yes, she really was quite pretty: bright red hair, golden in the sunlight, decorated with barrets, framing a gentle face speckled with freckles (spaces where the sun kissed her, she thinks), and bright green eyes, the color of a leaf in direct daylight. Her candy yellow formless dress rests just above her knee, looking soft.

"I'm Lily," The girl offers up her hand eagerly, "Lily Evans."

For a second, Natsumi stares at the hand as if it were tampered with or foreign somehow. As if she had never seen a hand in all her natural life. Timidly, after seeing the kind girl's smile falter slightly, she takes her hand and gives a weak shake, "Ak--Natsumi." Her throat clears, "My first name is Natsumi."

"And your last?" She hasn't let go of her hand.

"Oh! Yes, um, it's," Natsumi tries to pull her hand away, but Lily has a very firm grip, "Akiyama." She braces for questions.

"Natsumi Akiyama." Lily repeats, shaking the other's hand with each word, "It's good to meet you."

Natsumi bows her head towards the other politely, "It's good to meet you too."

"Can I ask--What does it mean? Your name? I mean, I've always heard that Oriental names all mean something, so I'm just curious."

Oh dear, "Well, um, firstly," she smooths out the fabric on her lap, "that, um, word you used...Oriental...It's not very, um," her thumbs rub the pads of her fingers, "I--it's not a good um...it's very rude..."

"Oh!" The other redhead exclaims, "Oh I see, I'm, I'm so sorry, it's--I didn't know, it's such a common word, I--"

"I understand." Unfortunately. "Just, please don't use it again."

And I would be the one (to hold you down) | Yandere Lily EvansWhere stories live. Discover now