Need (Part II)

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Petunia's wedding was a quiet affair. Dignified and very pretty, with her groom's parents paying for the majority of the wedding, seeing as the Evans weren't much in a position to do so themselves (they were never the richest, and with the medical bills piling up...)

Natsumi had never been to a Muggle wedding, and thought the whole thing was rather boring, minus the little bits here and there that fascinated her (the church was so pretty! With stained glass and wax statues!). Really, she was there for Lily, who cried no fewer than three times for her sister's happiness, and gave a very touching speech at the reception about how growing up, Petunia was always there for her.

I am no longer my sister's keeper. Petunia will not be of any help. Could she be, if she wanted to be? Or does she believe (does she know?) that Lily is beyond her influence?

Natsumi's unsure of how far her reach goes. She's managed to bring Lily down from the edge of almost seriously maiming a student (she doesn't want to think about the very real possibility that Lily wanted to kill Remus). But if she had to do it again (if another poor wizard wanted to confess their ill-placed feelings for her), would she still be able to? Will a simple kiss and promise to love save a life?

Still, she supposes that she should consider herself lucky... Natsumi finds Lily to be, well, insanely beautiful. She shivers to think of where she would be if the person who decided to make her the object of their obsession were someone she didn't like. Someone without hers and Lily's history. Their bond.

...Actually, thinking about that just makes her feel shallow. If Lily weren't gorgeous, would Natsumi still love her? Without question. But...

Oh. She loves Lily.

She loves Lily and perhaps that's what makes this harder: having to deal with a Lily who cannot actively love her like she should be loved (but how should she even be loved? No one has ever taught her). This isn't healthy. This isn't good. And she knows it. Lily knows it too, surely, though she is probably often in denial about it.

But if Lily didn't love her, then who would? Who would have looked at her and seen someone worthwhile? Remus? The poor boy with a werewolf affliction and unfortunate tastes in girls? No. It would have only been a matter of time before someone better, prettier, smarter, caught his eye.

She takes a deep breath. She holds it.

Natsumi holds her breath every step of the way towards her mother's chambers, trying desperately to make her steps as quiet and unobtrusive as possible, hoping that maybe if she were silent enough, she could avoid this entire situation altogether. She could squeeze her eyes shut and will away herself and Lily to the farthest reaches of the earth, away from the woman who gave Natsumi life.

Lily walks with ease, though with a sense of nervousness (is it nerves? Natsumi can't categorize it as anything else), and upon questioning, she claims it's simply jitters at finally meeting her future mother-in-law.

(Deep down, Natsumi wonders if her mother and Eileen Prince ever met each other's parents.)

Her companion kneels the way she's taught her to, surprisingly obedient without any need for the usual bribery. Lily wears western clothing on the insistence of Natsumi, who knows that seeing Lily wear any sort of kimono would only confuse her mother. Perhaps she might even mistake her for her own daughter.

"Ready?" Natsumi whispers.

Lily nods.

"Mama?" Natsumi calls gently, still hoping that her mother would somehow be in too deep a sleep to hear her.

And I would be the one (to hold you down) | Yandere Lily EvansWhere stories live. Discover now