Start from the beginning

Rosie and Stefan exchange the same look of pure disbelief at that; Elena would rather die in the sacrifice than taking this chance of saving her life?

"Why, what are you talking about? Elena, we don't have a choice." Rosie shakes her head, " don't want to take this risk to save Bonnie."

Elena nods a little even though she's quite certain, "Yeah, exactly. After what happened to her Grams, I can't put her through that again...on her own. I don't think she's strong enough to do it and...and what about Klaus?" He practically already knows that she exists because Elijah remains alive, which means he's undeniably coming to Mystic Falls to capture her, and kill her. She can't run like Katherine did. It would risk everybody's lives greatly. Besides, where will she go? She doesn't want to end up like Katherine-- punished, hated, feared, a foe to everyone. She will not be a coward like her.

"We'll find him right after we get the moonstone." Stefan replied as if it's that easy to search and capture one of the oldest vampires in history.

"Is that before or after he kills everyone that I care about, including the two of you." Elena points from Rosie to Stefan, frowning in deep concern, "And you said Damon is going to help you get the moonstone. I doubt that he's doing it to save me." She folds her arms defensively as a reminder that the older Salvatore doesn't like her because of her resemblance to his ex-lover. She knows that only reason he did come to her rescue the other day was for Rosie; because she is her best friend, and both brothers are in love with her. In fact, she's convinced that he would rather watch her die in the sacrifice. Although what is the purpose behind him trying to stop this curse from breaking? Is it for himself? Is it for Rosie again? Perhaps either of the two.

Stefan shakes his head a little, "Ah...he's trying to stop it to get the upper hand against werewolves; said he can't have them running around without being controlled by the full moon. One werewolf bite is lethal to vampires." Honestly, a part of him sides with his brother on this, though he's mostly doing this for Rosie because her best friend is going to die in the sacrifice.

A tired sigh leaves Elena's mouth at this revelation, "I should've known."

"Elena, if we can de-spell the moonstone, we can save your life." Rosie nods. Although she feels rather anxious of Bonnie's health as well in the process of lifting the magical seal of the tomb in order to get the moonstone inside.

"I know. Everybody keeps saying that." Elena gets up from her seat and walks out of the room; Rosie and Stefan exchange a worried look this time.


Salvatore Boarding House

Bonnie speaks to Rosie, Stefan, Jeremy, and Damon about their quick plan in the spacious parlor room, "I might be able to lower the tomb spell long enough for you to get in there and grab the moonstone from Katherine." She's not quite certain that she's strong enough to do it alone. It took her Grams a lot of her magic to do so on her own. What if she's not strong enough? What if she'll end up like her? For her best friend? It's worth it.

Rosie nods a little, "Yeah, 'might' doesn't sound very reassuring, Bonnie."

Jeremy sends a quick glance at her, "Yeah, and how? It took both you and your Grams last time, and look what happened to her." He shakes his head in slight denial at the horrible possibility that Bonnie is going to end up like her. He doesn't believe that she's strong enough to do this on her own.

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