Bad Boy relationship(Chessshipping)

Start from the beginning

The guy in the midle has a blue jacket over another black t-shirt, his hair is brown while his eyes are the same colour, his trousers are black while his shoes match the guy to the right. 

The guy to the left has a blue and white jacket over the third black t-shirt, his trousers are dark grey while his eyes are cola brown. His hair is raven coloured while his shoes are the same as the two others. 

The three guys are the hotbods of this school, their reputations are certainly not the greatest one for a girl who is hell bent on following the rules. Serena however has never bothered to know their names. Why Hilda would smile as the three would appear is beyond Serena. And the three are heading straight for the two, without even knowing it. 

Red: Not bad for a Thursday raid i gotta say.

Ash: Speak for yourself Red, it was near perfection for once. The canteen woman can never see through a blank lie if it stared her in the face. 

Hilbert: And it seems you two gotta know when to stop rivaling each other, here in school they got rules. 

Red: And rules are made to be broken Hilbert, it's all routine for us. 

Hilbert places his left hand on Red's shoulder and smirks confidently.

Hilbert: They sure are. 

But it isn't Red his look has turned to, he looks behind his bro and sees someone whom he knows will want a word or two with Red. 

Hilbert: See ya in a bit Red.

Red doesn't get to react before Hilbert has pushed him back, only for him to fall right into the grip of his girlfriend, Leaf. 

Ash snikkers as Red gets a bit burned on his cheeks by embarrassment, Hilbert waves to him before he looks straight, and sees Hilda and Serena. His already mischievous look grows as he lays his eyes on Hilda, standing there like she would be waiting for him. He sneaks a glance at Ash and sees that he has not been able to look at Serena, the top student herself, 

''I know that look in his eyes, she is his goal. To conquer the heart of the top student herself'' he thinks to himself as he begins walking towards Hilda. Ash follows him, finally focusing on Hilda. 

But, being a self declared Bad Boy by his class, Hilbert blocks Ash by then leaning against the lockers while facing Hilda. In a true check out fashion, As he does it, Hilda finally seems impressed at him. Ash facepalms and walks up on Hilbert's side. 

Hilbert: Fancy seeing you here Hilda. 

Typicall Hilbert, acting flirty towards her. 

Hilda: Fancy seeing you sacrifice your own friend to have time with me. 

Ash: Well it was necessary. Red Wouldn't shut up about the raid on the canteen. 

The remark from Ash earns him a smack to his face by Hilbert for exposing their routine fun activity.

 Hilda: You raid the canteen?

Hilbert: It's a mission we do everyday to secure ourselves some provisions for the day. Easy fun and fun at the same time. 

Hilda's interest hasn't died down from the teen that is facing her, he scoots closer to her while she still looks into his eyes. 

Hilda: i see, that's why there is always a complain that someone is stealing food. 

Ash: We aren't exactly stealing, it's just lying around ready to be taken. 

Hilbert: It's free real estate. 

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