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Sunny lay stretched out on the windowsill, basking in the sun. He looked up when I approached him.

"Treats?" he asked.

I pulled a few pieces of Kibble Tuna from my pocket and spread them out for him to eat. Sunny jumped up and inhaled them in two seconds flat.

"Thank you," Sunny said as I petted his head. He licked my hand then laid back down, ready to resume his nap.

"Sunny, I have something I need to ask you."

Sunny's eyes opened halfway.

"Mama will be okay," he said. "Sunny knows you are worried, but Sunny can sense things you cannot. It is part of Sunny's job."

"You can sense that?" I knew familiars were attuned to their partner's senses, but I hadn't realized that Sunny could be this attuned.

"Yes," he said pragmatically. "She will wake up soon. You will see."

For the first time ever, I was jealous of Sunny. In some ways, he had a stronger connection to my mother than I did. Maybe when I found my familiar I'd better understand the relationship, but I'd been to every pet shop on Heavenly Haven and hadn't found one who connected with me the way a familiar should.

"Sunny, I believe you about my mom, but I'm afraid she might still be in danger. Whoever poisoned everyone at the party might try to do it again."

"Hurt Mama?" Sunny asked, sitting up, alarmed.

"Yes. I mean, maybe. That's the thing. I don't know. All I know is that whoever did this is still out there."

"Sunny doesn't like bad witches and wizards."

"Me neither. That's why I want you to help me."

"How can Sunny help?" He was standing now and looking at me with wide eyes.

"You can get into places I can't. Places like Cream, Cakes, and Creations."

"Edith Woodruff and Nightshade," Sunny said. "You want Sunny to investigate."

"Yes. I do." I hesitated, not sure whether I was asking too much of him. But that's what familiars were for—to help the person they bonded with.

"It is not too much," Sunny said. "Sunny will help."

I sighed with relief. "Thanks. I'm glad you—" I paused, looking at him. "How did you know what I was thinking just now? About whether I was asking too much of you? Can you... can you hear my thoughts?"

My mother had never mentioned anything to me about Sunny having telepathic abilities.

"No," Sunny said. "Just with Mama. You are Mama's daughter, so a little with you, too. And Grayson."

"Wait," I said, my mind racing. "You're saying... are you saying that... sometimes... you can read my mind?"

"Sometimes," Sunny said as if it was no big deal.

"Sunny," I asked, excited and weirded out at the same time. "Can you read anyone else's mind?"

"No. Just Mama and her family."

Too bad. That could have been really useful.

"Do you remember Lincoln Maxwell?" I asked him.

"Sheriff," Sunny said. "Nice man."

I smiled. "Yes, he is a nice man. But he doesn't always think clearly. Sometimes he's..."

"A dum-dum?" Sunny offered.

I giggled, wondering what Lincoln would think of being called "dum-dum" by a cat. "Yes, a dum-dum."

"Why is he a dum-dum?" Sunny inquired.

"Because he thinks my mother somehow accidentally poisoned her own cakes. And that's why everyone got sick."

The hair on Sunny's back stood on end. "Mama is smarter than anyone at baking. Sunny knows she is sometimes silly-headed, but she would never make a mistake like that."

I nodded. "I agree. But not everyone on the island does."

"Do not worry, Felicity," Sunny said, jumping down from his perch. "Sunny understands now. Sunny will help you prove Mama is innocent."

"Thanks, Sunny."

Before I could say anything else, Sunny ran out an open window and disappeared. I guess I had my partner.

* * *

Cozy Mystery: Cake Spell Disaster (A Haven Witch Woman Sleuths Book) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now