"What? I'm not leaving you," you frowned.

"Kacchan must've went with his friends downtown, he used to go to this arcade on--," you cut him off.

"I remember, he used to drag me along with him on weekends," you shook your head at the memory. "But, you need me right now, don't you?"

Izuku smiled fondly at you, "I'll just hog up all your attention if I could but, we've both needed you for a while now," Izuku gave you a thumbs up, "I'll be fine. I think Kacchan needs you now," he suggests.

You sighed, holding your arm's, "I...alright....alright, fine. But, if he says one more asshole worthy thing you won't see him for a few days," you threatened the ash blonde across town, Izuku sweatdropped imagining what you could do to put Katsuki in the hospital.

You walked over to Izuku, a pink tint of his face forming at the proximity. "You sure about this?" You asked him.

Izuku nodded, smiling awkwardly, finding himself just inches from your face. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine!"

You moved back before sighing, placing tour hands on your hips, "Ok..." you said although unsure, before turning to walk the opposite way. As you walked slowly, your fingers fidgeting, "I'll see you later, yeah?" You turned your head as you kept walking.

Izuku nodded with a grin. "Yep!" Although it faded slightly as you kept walking, your steps reluctant, but he wanted you to do this, Kacchan deserved to see you too.

As you disappeared around the corner, Izuku let out a small sigh and glanced backwards for a moment before walking off to head home.

Bakugo gritted his teeth angrily as he walked through the alleyway with the two trailing behind him, he couldn't believe that the day finally came that you had come back and he basically screwed it all up! Fuck! He cursed himself mentally, his fingers balling up, angrily, in his pockets.

"She was so hot, but so scary, she had Bakugo flying across the room," Bakugo stiffened at the boys words, his eyes narrowing to slits before he turned with a menacing glare.

The other boy was already asking another question. "Hey, Bakugo, who was that anyway? The girl with Midoriya?" He nudged the boy, but pulled back at his lethal glare. "She was pretty hot, I bet you used to date, huh?" The boys chuckled as Bakugo's eyes went wide, before he went red, they didn't know if it was anger or embarrassment.

"Why don't you can it you fucking shit stains!" He whipped back around stomping forwards, "I ain't gotta explain shit to you idiots!"

The boys paused before sharing a look and smirking. "So, is she like free territory? Mind if I ask her out?" The boy chuckled, his hands behind his head, looking up thoughtfully picturing the girl from before. "She is pretty hot, do you think she's transferring to our school?"

Bakugo spun around, explosions sparking ruthlessly at his fingertips at his sides, "You're not getting anywhere near her! Ya got that?!" The fire of his explosive quirk was inching pretty close to both of their faces, immediately causing them to shrink back at the vicious look on Bakugo's face and his brutal quirk.

The boys fingers grew nervously before he put a scared thumbs up as his other friend waved his hands around, "You got it bro, that chick is a no-go!" He nodded his head in agreement, sweating in terror. "Don't worry, we got your message! Loud and clear!"

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