the other earth sign groaned and brought his hand up to his face to pinch the bridge of his nose. "for the last time, please stop using the word peeps," capricorn begged, tired of taurus not being able to function like a proper human being.

"suck my dick cap." taurus then went straight to the fridge, grabbing everything that was in sight. she was the type to eat mountains but still look thin. her metabolism was thriving.

as soon as the water signs stepped foot into the room, scorpio glanced at virgo, who was too busy going through her spell book. she felt a burning gaze on her and looked up, only to meet eyes with the water sign. taurus noticed this and pursed her lips together, nearly squishing the muffin that was held in her hand. they stared at each other for a while, their surroundings forgotten, at least until ophiucus called virgo.

"good morrow blood relative, if it isn't too much of an exasperation, could you please get me a concoction of hydrogen and oxygen particles?"

[a/n: i found this on tiktok to credits to the owner]

the only reason ophiucus said that was to piss virgo off and she knew cause she, indeed, was pissed.

"cease your tomfoolery without further ado or we shall duke this out in a bout of fisticuffs, you simpleton," she rebutted back, chucking the water bottle at his brother, who caught it with ease.

[a/n: again, crds to the owner]

the rest of the signs looked at the two, all thinking what the fuck but still laughed nonetheless. i mean, it wasn't too far fetched from their usual group banters.


the rest of the signs turned to scorpio, who stood at the front of the table. he rested his hands on his hips and looked at the two siblings, an eyebrow raised. "now i hope you two didn't forget your tour today. you still need to know the ins and outs of this place along with the basics if you want to join us."

virgo looked up from her book, rolling her eyes at the boy. she smiled sweetly, too sweetly, and brought her hands beside her face, intertwining her fingers. she batted her eyelashes and in a sickeningly sweet tone asked, "oh how ever could we forget such an important task your highness?"

ophiucus gasped dramatically, placing his hands on his chest, right above his heart. following virgo, he added, "my my my, that would be ghastly. how shameful it would be."

gemini and leo snickered while scorpio gave up and contemplated on why he agreed to let them come here, why he became the leader and why on earth he was brought into this world just to suffer. he massaged his temple, eyebrows creasing together and adding to his already stressful expression. the siblings smirked in accomplishment.

"my god you two are insufferable and it's only been a day," he mumbled under his breath.

aries, who was sitting beside him, stifled a laugh as she caught his statement. scorpio threw her a glare to which she just raised her hands innocently. "ok whatever, just go with these guys after breakfast," he said as he motioned towards capricorn, leo, gemini and cancer.

and with that, he sat down on his chair and quietly enjoyed his scrambled eggs, the rest of the signs also enjoying their own food.

Nightmare [Zodiac Story]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon