This Has To Stop

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I was being suffocated. All I wanted was to be left alone with my child. But, Luke had other plans. Just because I had forgiven him he thought we were back together. No we aren't. I didn't want him back. He took over everything. When Jacob was first born I didn't even get to hold him. Luke took him and left the room. I calmed down because maybe he just wanted to spend time with his child. He wouldn't let me hold my own child for more than five minutes. My anger was slowly building. I got up and went downstairs. Did I mention he brought all of his clothes here? Luke was sitting on the couch holding Jacob. I approached him from behind and tapped his shoulder.

"Can I have my child back?"

"No you need rest now get back in the bed."

This was it. My anger had boiled over and I was ready to explode.

"No! You give me Jacob right now!"

He stood up and put Jacob down in his bouncer.

"I'm not going to do anything. You are going to GET BACK IN THE BED!"

I stare at him in absolute rage.

"No you need to get your stuff out of my house and leave. I don't want you here or in my child's life. Don't you ever come back here again!"

"You can't keep me away from my child."

"Yes I can."

I watched as he went around the house grabbing his stuff. When he was leaving he turned around and gave me a sorrowful glance. I glared at him and he turned around and walked out of the door. I looked around my house feeling once again free. I walked over to Jacob and picked him up. It felt so good being able to hold him without someone trying to control me. He smiled and cooed at me. I played with him and held him for hours. I fed him and loved him. Jacob was the love of my life. I would always love a tiny part of Luke for giving me this amazing gift. My son. He was my everything. He was going to be spoiled and loved. I was going to make sure of that.

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