I Hate You

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I had been to the doctor that week, because I wasn't feeling well. Luke and I had been married for 5 years. He had took over as alpha of his pack 2 years ago. I had noticed that Luke had become more distant for the past few months. I had been throwing up lately, and just feeling plain horrible. I couldn't believe the news I got at the doctors. I couldn't wait to tell Luke that I was pregnant. When, I got home Luke was already there. It wasn't normal, because he's never home until 12 at night. I walked in and looked around. His coat was here and so was someone else's. It was feminine? Who would be here? I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Tears welled in my eyes. He wouldn't, would he?

He wouldn't. My wolf cried.

I walked up the stairs slowly I could already hear the moans. The tears flowed freely down my face. My poor wolf howled in pain. The door was closed to our bedroom and I pushed it open. A cry of pain escaped me. Luke was on top of the new she-wolf of our pack. He jumped up and looked at me. I turned and ran. I heard him yell my name. "Lucy!" He yelled. I grabbed my keys and jumped into my car. I didn't even put on my seatbelt and pulled off. I didn't have nowhere else to go. I could go home to my parents' but how could I tell them? My phone started ringing, it was Luke. I answered it and instantly he was apologizing. "I'm so sorry baby! Please come back home!" He was sobbing and crying, pleading with me to come home. I told him what I had to say. "I hate you," and I hung up the phone. I drove to my home and quietly got out. The walk was miserable and I had never felt so bad in my life. I found the spare key and opened the door. My mom and dad wasn't home. I crawled onto the couch and just laid there. Then, sobs overtook me. My whole body shook with each gasp of breath I took. I wrapped my arms around myself and my stomach. My baby. I couldn't get to stressed it could cause harm to my baby. I had to leave. I couldn't no wouldn't let Luke get my baby. I got ready to leave when my parents walked in. I immediately started to cry again and jumped into my dad's arms. I told them everything that had happened between Luke and I. I told them about my little pup.

Luke didn't even matter to me anymore. All that mattered now was my pup. I know that tomorrow I was going to file for a divorce. I couldn't live with him. I went up to my old room and got in the bed. I needed to find a apartment and a job. My pup wouldn't need his father. He or she would have me. I could slowly feel my bond with Luke severing on my side. His wolf was looking for me. I could hear his thoughts. I blocked out his thoughts and tried to get some sleep. I had a busy day ahead of me tomorrow.

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