Halloween Dance

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AN: Oops here something special for Halloween. Once again, there was no godly cheek smooch in this. They're about a year older from present canon (so like 16/17). Enjoy ;)

Inspired by: c-atm (Tumblr), and conniestolemybagels

"Steven if you think for one second we're gonna wear cheesy couples Halloween costumes-"

"But c'mon Connie it would be so cute!"

"Steven no."

"Awe it would be so sweet though! We could do a strawberry and biscuit!"


"What if we went as Ruby and Sapphire?!" Steven yells, his eyes lighting up at the idea.

"Steven!" I snap. "I will not go in a cheesy costume with you. Not because of you, but because it's so cliche!"

"Connie we are a cliche."

"No, we-well, no? Okay but, Ruby and Sapphire aren't even... costumes?" I say. His eyes turn to slivers as his hand finds his chin. He ponders it for a minute.

"That's because no one's dressed up as them before!"

"Let's rephrase that, I am not wearing a dress."

"Oh but you'd look so cute!" He almost begs, showing me his wide, puppy dog eyes. My face flushes a bright red as he smirks.
"Steven..." I groan.

"It's okay then, I won't put you in a dress, but at least let me pick the costumes!"

"Steven I swear, if in a week I show up to your house and it's anything remotely cheesy, it will be off my body in an instant."

"No promises!" Steven calls, running out the door of my house.

"Steven get back-" I'm cut off as the door slams shut. "Here."

A week later I walk up the steps to the temple, preparing for whatever Steven wants to put me in. By the time I reach the door, he opens it and gestures to walk inside. I sit down on the couch, my body weight sinking into the cushions. He starts to pull something out from behind the couch.

"Hey don't look!" He complains.

"Steven I'm gonna see it anywa-"

"Don't look Connie! I want it to be a surprise..." he mumbles under his breath. A wild blush flaring up across his face, an embarrassed look crossing over his relaxed facade.

"Hey Steven..." I begin. He looks up to meet my gaze, his hands shaking the slightest bit. He nods slowly, a smile replacing itself over his face once again. "I know I've complained and joked, but no matter what it is, if it's come from you I'll love it." I say, moving closer to him, my hand brushing up against his cheek. We both blush at the close proximity of our faces before pulling away. We only started dating a few weeks ago, but we haven't exactly kissed yet. My mind starts to move to the idea of my lips on his. Our bodies close to one another as we just enjoy each other's company. He takes a deep breath out, relaxing himself. It pulls me from my thoughts, but not without another giant blush consuming my face.

"So..." he says, his voice slightly shaky as he pulls out the two costumes still in their plastic wrap. My eyes study them, unable to figure out what's in each. "They match! I thought... you could be a witch and I be the cat...? I'm sorry it's dumb, but it's not super cliche, but it can still be a couple costum-"

"Steven it's sweet. A little cheesy, but I still love it, and it's not dumb at all!" I tell him. He passes me the costume to go change in the bathroom, while he goes to his room. "Wait Steven!" I call.

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