Silver VS Metal Sonic

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A laser hits Rouge and knocks her right out of the sky. Silver catches her with his psychokinesis before she can crash onto the concrete. He rests her on the ground and hurries to her, where she lies in awful pain.

"Ugh, my wing! I think it's busted!"

Roaring with laughter, Eggman floats above them in the Egg Mobile.

"Perfect shot, Metal Sonic! This is going to be epic, now your mommy can't get in the way when I kill you again, Silver the Hedgehog! Metal Sonic... atttaaaaack!"

BAM! Metal Sonic collides with Silver out of nowhere. They tumble until Silver disappears via Chaos Control. Confused, Metal's electric-red pupils ping from side to side, trying to relocate Silver.

"Where'd he go?" Cubot asks.

The sound of Silver's powers prompts Metal Sonic to turn his head and POW! Metal is rammed by a flying car! The velocity is so intense that it causes a colorful explosion, which entices spectators from all sides of the ski resort to wanna watch them fight. With an audience at hand, Eggman becomes determined to show Silver up.

"Big deal! So he can levitate cars! I'm still gonna cream him! Metal, get up, you worthless hunk of scrap!"

Metal emerges from the flames and fires a laser beam at Silver. Silver dodges it, disappearing... and reappearing behind Metal. He uses his powers to cause the robot's head to spin.

"Jeez, you fight dirty like your dad," Eggman observes.

His words distract Silver.

"What about my dad? Whoa!"

Metal grabs Silver and shoots into the sky, where they wrestle in the air.

"Wow, it's anybody's game!" Cubot commentates.

Metal manages to shove Silver away long enough rev up a good blast, hopefully one strong enough to take Silver down for good.

"Oh okay, never mind, Metal's winning again. Go Team Eggman!" shouts Cubot.

But Silver uses his psychokinesis to capture Metal Sonic. Then he rotates Metal, taking control over the robot's ability to dictate it's inner cannon's aim.

"Ack! Silver's using his powers to point Metal Sonic right at us with a loaded cannon!" Cubot panics.

"Will you shut up?!" Eggman yells. "Metal, stop, no!"

"Don't shoot, don't shoot!" Cubot screams.

Metal unintentionally blasts the Egg Mobile! Eggman, Orbot and Cubot all scream as they plummet to the ground.

"Darn you, that's not how this fight was supposed to pan out!" Eggman yells.

Pissed, Silver then uses his powers to reposition Metal Sonic to face him directly. As Metal floats in what feels like a telepathic straightjacket, a dark and derivative edginess oozes from Silver's aura... similar to that of another infamous hedgehog.

"Unforgivable. No more games," he says harshly.

Silver punches Metal Sonic in the core, causing Metal to shut off and drop gracelessly down to the ground, landing with a loud CLANG. He then Chaos Controls a few feet away from a majorly peeved Doctor Eggman.

"You done, Eggman?"

"No!" Eggman yells, even though he know's he's lost. "I'm gonna take you down, you'll see! You'll SEE!"

THUNK. A snowball hits him the face. Then another. Silver is using is powers to throw several at once.

"Hey!" Eggman yells, "no fair! We never said this was a snowball fight! That's cheating!"

"Ha! You shot my mother out of the sky yet I'm the one cheating?" Silver scoffs, "what an ass-hat."

Over it, he Chaos Controls to Rouge. Everyone snickers at Eggman, especially his fellow villains. Somehow, the snowballs are more of a blow than losing the battle, and Silver knows it. The manager of the hotel struts up to Eggman with the most stuck up, unpleasant expression on his face.

"I knew there was something familiar about Venice. Those security-cam screenshots you submitted to our Kill a Hero Sweepstakes were clearly fake."

"No no no, I swear, they were real!" Eggman insists. "Silver really did kick the bucket in my lair!"

The hotel manager holds up his palm and shakes his head, unswayed.

"You lied to us, Doctor Eggman. Given such a pathetic defeat, I've decided you're no longer worthy to stay in our evil establishment."

Within his hammer space, the manager reveals Eggman's luggage, which he chunks at the doctor's unsuspecting service bots. He then huffs, turns around, and strides away, nose in the air with immense disgust. What a humiliating turn of events for the disgruntled villain. Eggman clenches his teeth then quietly professes...

"Embarrass me, will ya? I'll show you who the ass-hat really is... this means war, Silver the Hedgehog."

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