Chapter 10

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Everyone is surprised once I return to Art class in one piece unharmed. From some, I get strange looks, from others  they just state awestruck. I sit down next to Carol and she asks eagerly "Did she get in trouble?"

"No. But I almost did. But I'm sure the principal will confront her." I say. I almost think I see Carol's evil twin, if she even has one, because she just smiles this evil smile and looks like she's plotting something in her head with this wicked grin and a sinister face. But then she just looks up and smiles at me sympathetically and says quietly "Sorry."

"Its okay." I  assure her.

I was going to go with Carol, now I'm bumming because I am going to go with Sam and she has Andrew but we will still hang out with each other.

      When I return home my mother is standing there smiling when I walk through the door and I look at her puzzled."Which hand?" She asks me. I stare at her with raised eyebrows and I say "Uhm- the...left I guess?" She removes her left hand from behind her back revealing this beautiful navy dress, still on the hanger, brand new and it is absolutely beautiful. It is a strapless long flowy cobalt colored dress with sequins at the top which gradually fade at the waist. It has a ribbon on the side and I can't even believe what I am seeing. "Mom, you shouldn't have." I  am glad she bought it for me. I didn't want to have to wear my old purple dress that I've had for two years. But I also feel bad. Even though we make more money, she is new to the job and we don't have all that much money yet. But it is beautiful. She smiles at me proudly and I give her the biggest hug and take it from her and race to my room to try it on.

  I spend a hint more time in the shower even though I am on a time sensitive mission. I apply a little bit more makeup in celebration. And I  use my favorite cotton candy perfume and brush my teeth and fiddle with my frazzled hair as I get one last look in the mirror. This time, I don't scoff. I gasp. Dang, I did a good job. My chocolate colored hair is wrapped up neatly in a swirl bun that sits atop my head with a few curly strands that float around my perfectly framed face. My complexion glows, a perfect shade of peach. My lips are red, not lobster red like Judie's, but they have a nice tint to them. My eyes are bright, a pure shade of forest green. Wow. I am beautiful. I ask mom to drive me and she says okay. I am fidgeting nervously in the car, asking myself questions and doubting and wondering things like "What if Sam isn't there? Or Carol? Or Judie goes with Sam?" I push the thoughts out of my head and refocus my conscience. This is my night. Not Judie's. She can't tell me what to do.

But all worry is set aside when I see Carol standing waving at me, giving a bright and excited smile. She is beautiful. She has her hair braided in a side braid, with a few curled strands and her barette is a butterfly, a blue green one, that has patterned wings and clips to her hair and matches her blue green eyes and dress perfectly. She has a long sleeve dress, one with patterned butterflies on it, that match her barrette perfectly. She isn't even wearing makeup and yet she is so confident with the way she looks. I run up to her and she says "Wow! You look beautiful!"

"So do you!" I reply with excitement. We go in the large gymnasium lit up not just with lights and streamers and banners, but with the eagerness  and anticipation of the dance to begin. I see Sam leaning up againt a wall in the multicolored lights. I wait for him to look up and when he does, he smiles at me in awe. I walk over to him and we dance to some songs, other fun songs with Carol and then she would dance with Andrew. It was the perfect night and then I realized: I like it here. Everything will be perfectly fine. I will be okay. I want to stay at this school. Even for the grouchy lunch ladies, and the preppy jerks, or the lying dirt bag jocks. I dont mind them anymore. Because, what does popularity really matter, anyway?

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