November- be kind

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November— be kind

                  be soft and forgiving.

Do not wash with haste our summer sin

in frozen purity.

Do not rip apart traces of an embered sun

and crystallize barren branches in a flick

of temper.

Do not wilt those mums and blue mist,

                    let them fade away with grace

Do not have your breath congeal

on blades of grass,

save some trouble for winter.

November— be kind

                           be gentle.

Fading hues are what I need,

growing over treetops slowly like

                 Earth and Time

cooling from the head to the heart.

With care descend to oblivion and

leave some


                                   to breathe.

November— hold back on

your urgency,

you await withering verdure either way.

A sepia sepulcher for a

technicolor dream,

growing bitter in the cool, damp air.

                            November— be kind,

                            take your passive time this year. 

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