Max began to stammer, “she…..she…..she...”

Max was still intimidated by Jason and Jenny slumped into the chair at the side of Jason’s bed, folded her arms and glared at Max as he began to talk.

The nurse sitting at her station jumped up as the alarm on Jason’s heart monitor began to sound, however she quickly stopped in her tracks when she heard an animalistic roar come from his room. The roar was so loud it made the windows shake and the hairs on her arms stand on end.

She always thought there was something strange about the patient Jason Evans and the people that visited him. They all gave off the same strange odour and it appeared as if she was the only one that could smell it. He even had his own Dr who would give out instructions on how to treat him and all his test results were sent away. In the evenings his room was guarded and for the past six months it had also been guarded during the day.

 She had a few theories as to why he was so heavily guarded when he had first arrived but as she watched over her patient, her theories soon changed. It was small things at first, he made odd noises and sometimes he growled. Once she had even witnessed his nails growing until they almost resembled claws and she also noticed that during a full moon his eyes would turn yellow. She knew this patient was not completely human but she did not dare speak out; her instincts told her to remain silent.

Then there were the two strange pale kids that sometimes came and asked to be let into his room claiming they were his friends. She knew that they weren’t because they would quickly scarper when his real friends or his wife visited and she felt on edge whenever she saw them.

She’d even reported them when they had tried to persuade her to change Jason’s medication and they both seemed surprised when she firmly told them no.

“You can tell, can’t you? You are one of those that can sense us? Do you know what I am?” The pale boy with auburn hair asked her.

She did not know but she never had the chance to answer as they both turned and ran at the arrival of Jason’s visitors. That had been the last time she saw them.

She slowly made her way down the corridor but stopped again when she heard a male voice boom.

“What do you mean he took her?”

Followed by

“One year ago.”


“I’ve been in a coma for the past year.”

As the nurse opened the door she witnessed Jason stumble across the room and pin Max up against the wall, his behind clearly on show through the slits in the hospital gown he was wearing.

“Where in the hell were you? Why was Rachael not with you?” Jason screamed as he banged Max’s back against wall in time to each syllable that left his mouth.

“She ran away because she saw me with Shelby. I tried to…………………”

Max groaned as he fell to knees, clutching stomach in pain following the punch that Jason had just given him. Jason pulled Max back onto his feet by the shoulders of his jacket and slammed him again against the wall.

“Shelby.” Jason cried, “you have to be kidding me.” He punched Max in the stomach again but this time he held him in place.

Jack gave a pleading look towards Jenny but she shrugged her shoulders in response as if to say I told you.

The nurse moved towards Jason “Mr Evans, you need to calm down. Please get back in bed, you need to rest.” She said and as she touched his shoulder, his head snapped around and she immediately jumped back as his eyes turned yellow and he snarled at her.

Becoming Wolf - Sequel to 'Staying Human'Where stories live. Discover now