She nodded and proceed to carry my luggage as I went off in the direction of my parent's room.

I knocked on the door and opened it, I saw two of my parents sitting on a purple sofa. My mom was gently smiling at me and indicating for me to sit down while my Father was grinning.

I made my way over to the blue sofa which was right across from the purple sofa and sat down. "Mom, Dad. What do you need me for?" I asked, tilting my head to a 45° angle.

"Well..honey..we have some news to tell you.." my mom said hesitantly as if I would get mad if I heard it. " You see, when you are going to stay at Arcida Academy for several years, we decided we want you to become independent and not depend on us for money...I and your Father  planned to only give you some money enough for food and the basic necessities and when you get to Zedias City, you must find a job in order to gain a sense of independence." My mom continued. I froze.

"Find a job?" I murmured. They both nodded. I looked at both of them before sighing.  "Okay, I will find a job," I said as I rubbed my temples.

'Really...making a 15-year-old find a job...and one that was pampered and sheltered.'

"Is that all? I really must get going now. My ride is waiting for me and it would take 4 hours to get to Zedias City." I said.

They both nodded and tears rush to their eyes, they tackled me and hugged me tightly, whispering that I will be careful and not get into any bad influences.

I can't believe I have such worry for my parents...I hugged them back and said a few words of reassurance. I got off the blue sofa and bade them goodbye. See you in 4 years...
Chapter 13
Kari POV

I sat in a car with my headphones on as I look at the scenery passing before me at a natural speed. I turned to look away from the scenery and opened my space box. I should earn some money while I have the time... I switch on my laptop and went to the bookmark.

There I saw, was a website which I hadn't seen in 2 years. The Dark Web. I smiled to myself as I click on the bookmark.

A loading screen appear and I looked around, seemingly noticing that there were several events during the 2 years. I rub both of my hands together in glee. Time to earn some cha-ching!

~Third Person POV~

Kari decided to put up a request indicating that she does anything the requestor will ask her to do at a price of $1,000,000. It seems sceptical and fishy at first but one guy decided to take up the request and requested files of a certain government plan in the Sesta Kingdom.

Kari smirked at this and swiftly hacked into the base, she found the files requested quickly and sent them over, the person who requested it was shocking at how fast it was done and was satisfied and transferred the money to her bank account, saying that it will ask for her assistance again.

Another request then came to shut down the whole of Dirus, people were shocked at this seemingly impossible request but Kari only scoffed and easily hacked into the Dirus Power Plant Base and switched it off, costing the whole of Dirus to went into a panic.

The request was once again completed and she earned herself another million. Many seem impossible requests then started to pop up, Kari chose the hardest ones, or the hardest ones to others but the easiest to her.

Unknownst to her, she started attracting attention from very peculiar people...
Chapter 14
Third Person POV

Four god looking people could be seen in a dark room, facing a huge screen implanted in the wall. One of them chuckled "I wonder who is this '88'. This person's hacking skills are simply unbelievable." Kain said.

As he sat lazily on the sofa. "I agree with you, this person's hacking skills are unlike anything we have seen before." Damon agreed.

"She even managed to take down my Kingdom's defence wall~ and shut the whole city along with it too," Xlec said with a lollipop in one hand and the other in a pocket, displaying an aura of coolness and playfulness.

"You aren't mad?" Kain said, with his eyebrow-raising. Xlec showed an amused reaction. "Should I be? We just stumbled across an amazing hacker!"

Arties then held his chin. "Damon, can you track the person down?" Damon nodded and took out his laptop, he went onto the person's profile, confident he would be able to pinpoint their location.

Where Kari is~

Kari heard a warning alarm on her computer and she immediately turn to look at her defence wall, a red dot could be seen trying to break her barrier. 'Hmph! Do you think you can find me? I don't think so.'

Kari started typing at an unbelievable speed, constantly attacking the red dot until it finally gave up and disappear. She smirked arrogantly at her win. 'Be careful who you compete with, noob.'

She logged off the hacker website and off her laptop, putting it back in her space box. She then stared at the scenery again, admiring it.

Back in the darkroom.

Xlec could be seen laughing as Damon's face was black. Arties had a frown etched on his face and Kain was looking at the screen thoughtfully. 

"Haha! Damon just got K.O!" Xlec laughed hard, holding his stomach and tears could be seen in his eyes.

Damon only frowned deeply as he stared at the laptop screen. "The person spared you, didn't she?" Kain asked, looking at him.

Xlec stopped laughing and stared at Kain, confused. "What do you mean Kain?" Xlec asked, trying to get a grasp of the situation.

Damon nodded. "She gave me the last warning, telling me that she was about to release a virus onto my laptop that could destroy my laptop entirely if I didn't stop trying to break into her defence system."

Kain frowned at this one more when vibration from his pocket interrupted his thoughts.

He fished out his phone to look at the screen for a while before turning it off  "We gotta go, the new students are arriving and we need to give a welcoming speech considering we were at the top of the grades last year."

Everyone nodded and they all exited the room.

Word Count: 1612

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