Martie: Boo Thang and RT

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He laughed. "I think I'm going to like you."

"Good. Samantha and Bowties are lame."

Artie's brows knitted together before he laughed louder. "Why are you sitting with them?!"

"I'm lame, too."

He slapped his knees. "How alike are you and MJ?"

"Not very. We share DNA but that's it."

"She's lying! We're very alike!" Mercedes butted in.

"Can you sing, too?" Artie asked.

Marcy smirked again. "I might not be the Queen of Soul like Aretha here but there's a reason Satan calls me Patti."

"Satan? You mean Santana? You know Santana Lopez?"

"I do indeed. I remember her talking about you. Britts, too."

He nodded slowly. "Sing somethin for me."

"I don't do requests."

"She just hates when people ask her stuff." Mercedes explained. "If you were just hanging out, it'd happen naturally. She's really good."

"How about this? we hang out after rehearsals and we fool around-"

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" Marcy cut in.

He grinned rakishly. "She ain't got to know!"

"I'm always the side piece!" She joked.

"If you can blow like my wifey says, you can be my musical mistress." He waggled his brows.

"That sounds jank." She reached out to slap his hand. "I'm in!"

"Alright. After class, we'll sing a little something to cement our new liaison and maybe we can go somewhere to celebrate."

"There's this tea and juice place that's the business! We can take my car."

"Is it big enough to fit my chair? You know what? I'll just take my wheels."

"Wheels as in your car or as in you'll be using your arms to push your way there? Cuz that wouldn't be cool of me to expect you to do something like that." She frowned.

Artie laughed. "I meant my car. I have a specially made van."

"My car's specially made." She beamed.

"How so?"

"I made it specially for me." He looked confused so she explained about their father. "Travis is my true love."

Mercedes' lips thinned. "He's a car! Not a person!"

"How is your car coming along?"

Mercedes stuck out her tongue. "It's coming! I finally finished painting."

"I can't believe your dad did that." Artie was still in awe. "If you have a car, why do you have a Prius?"

Mercedes was gonna scream if someone else asked her that! "Daddy bought me that car!"

"Okay!" He held his hands out.

Marcy chuckled. "Do you need help?"

"Isn't that against the rules?"

"He won't know. I had help with my sound system. My brother told me how to rewire my car so I could have little speakers through the entire ride and get big bass. And I had help from Sonny on my dash. I had to. It's huge. You'll see."

Artie blinked at the quick speech. "Who's Sonny?"

Marcy looked at Mercedes and switched to Italian. "Is he ever going to meet Sonny?"

And I'd Do It AgainOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora