Chapter 4 - New Allies

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        It was dawn of the next day and Onyx had collected all her money rewards from her jobs. The large sum of money she gained in such short order shook even the most established mercenaries that ran the dangerous jobs. She arrived home to a worried Sodalite and a waiting Spinel. "Oh Onyx you're home." Sodalite says jumping off the couch to hug Onyx tightly. "Hematite told us what happened." "Hematite should keep her mouth shut. She doesn't understand my frustration." Onyx says plainly taking the sack of money into her gem room, coming back to a hug for Spinel. "Will you tell us you're point of view then love?" "In time dear, I don't care to speak on it right now." Spinel nods. "let's go spar though." Spinel smiles brightly leaping outside Onyx following behind her.                                                                                                                     Spinel summons her hammer and Onyx her bow. "Why your bow?" Spinel asks. "You'll see." Onyx says drawing an arrow. "What's the win condition?" Onyx asks. Spinel grins. "Destabilization." Onyx smirks. "Ready when you are love." Onyx says and they begin their sparring match. The match was going as Spinel expected, she kept in Onyx's face after she fired the first arrow not allowing her to ready another. Onyx however wasn't blocking Spinel's attacks but deflecting them. Spinel noticed this and picked up the pace making it harder for Onyx to keep with the redirecting. Spinel aimed for a sneak attack with a second hammer but she opens briefly allowing Onyx to jab her with her bow making Spinel stumble allowing Onyx to go on the offensive with her bow. Swinging it at Spinel landing a few attacks before Spinel put up her guard. "Made a change I see." Spinel says. "But so, have I." Spinel says summoning a second hammer. Spinel's hammer was remarkable heavy it took both Onyx and Sodalite to lift one so the fact that she was hold two up with ease shocked Onyx. This change in stance from Spinel took a while for Onyx to adjust too, having to block the heavy strikes with Spinel's double attacks, her bow wouldn't last long. However, Onyx knew that and had a plan of action. Once Spinel started her next attack that was sure to break Onyx's bow, she threw her bow into Spinel as she lunged giving Spinel no chance to dodge or block it then putting pressure with a kick onto the bow sending it through Spinel's midsection earning herself the win as she caught Spinel's gem. Onyx panting retreating her bow as she kisses Spinel's gem. "Well fought love." She says walking back inside the house.                                                                                                                                                   Sodalite looks to the door then sighs. "What?" Onyx says. "Why don't you let Spinel win sometimes?" "And why would I do that?" "So, she doesn't feel weak and isn't so down on herself." "Sodalite if I let her win it's going to do exactly that. Spinel doesn't get down when she loses to me, when I'm not her enemy anyway. We spar and grow." "But still At least a little confidence boost?" "If you'd watch us, you'd know Spinel's confidence is high. She fights better than I've ever seen her fight. You're too sensitive towards her Sodalite she's not a like a human child." "Watch your tone Onyx." Sodalite says and Onyx walks over to her face. "Or what?" "I'll slap you into next week." "Try me." Onyx says with a grin and Sodalite giggles and playfully slaps her Onyx launching herself over the couch and onto the floor. Sodalite laughs and hops over sitting atop of Onyx. "Boom I slapped you." She says leaning down to lay on top of Onyx who sets Spinel's gem on the coffee table and wraps her arms around Sodalite. "Sorry I've been distant lately, a lot going on in my mind and emotions I just don't want to lash out at anyone, especially you two." "I know Onyx it's ok just know we're always here for you to talk too when you're ready." Onyx smiles and Sodalite leans down to kiss her. "I love you Onyx, it means everything to me and Spinel that you did everything to get us back and to stay here with us." "I love you and Spinel too much Sodalite I couldn't stay on Homeworld and would fight for me to stay here if Black Diamond opposed it." Sodalite blushes stay on Onyx's lap as she sat up. "You two are the most important gems in my life and I need to treat you two like it." "Onyx stop you're going to make me cry." Sodalite says blushing harder as she nuzzles into Onyx's shoulder. The two continued to talk and embrace each other until it was nearing sunset. "She sure is taking her time." Onyx says. "Maybe she is making some changes to her form?" Sodalite suggests. "Possibly." Onyx says picking Sodalite up in her arms and taking her outside.                                                     The two of them sat on the snow-covered roof of the house and watched as the sun sets. It was only midafternoon, but the daytime was significantly shortened due to the winter season. Sodalite sat on Onyx's lap with Onyx's arms wrapped around her leaning her head back onto her breast. "So, are you going to be here permanently?" Sodalite asks. "Don't know yet dear. Eventually I'll have to confront Black Diamond again." Sodalite nods. It started to snow as the sun dipped under the horizon Onyx carrying Sodalite back inside once the sky had darkened. She set Sodalite on the couch and went to the temple door and into her room briefly. Sodalite sat looking at Spinel's gem. "What are you doing in there sweetheart?" She says as Onyx walks back in the room with a sack of cash for Sodalite. "For your leisure." She says with a smile. "Thanks darling." She says.                                                                                                                                                                  Spinel's gem started glowing suddenly and Onyx hopped over the couch and sat waiting for Spinel to appear. Once she did both Sodalite and Onyx's mouths were agape. Spinel had altered her appearance a great deal. Her hair still a light greenish hue lost its spiky appearance and was replaced with a medium length ponytail with a portion of her hair being a black stripe within the light green. A series of light green markings across her face. Now sporting a pair of breasts comparable to Onyx's, adorning her top now was an armored bra with a similar marking to her face down her left arm. Her toned midsection was left bare wearing black underwear under a half kilt that came to her knee in length. Finishing the look with a pair of grey boots. "Sorry for the delay I have returned." Spinel says with a bright smile and a strong pose. "How do I look?" she asks. It took a minute for either of them to respond but Onyx spoke first. "You look amazing love, sexy & dangerous." She says and Spinel blushes. "I was hoping you'd say that." She says turning to Sodalite who was drooling unknowingly. "You look hot!" she says and Spinel giggles. "This is just my casual look; I have more on top of this when it comes to battle." Onyx nods. I see, you put a lot of thought into this change." "Reflects me better than my old look. I'm beautiful but I'll also kick your ass." She says and Onyx nods. "That's how I'd described you." Onyx replies and Spinel sits next to Sodalite who's eyes where bouncing back and forth between the two pair of large breasts. "I think Sodalite likes it, your breasts are just about as big as mine now." Onyx says and Sodalite blushes. "Sure, seems that way." Spinel says as her and Onyx smoosh Sodalite's face with their tits. Sodalite drools licking back and forth between them Onyx and Spinel giggling. Sitting back on the couch normally Spinel addresses Onyx. "Onyx, I think we should try hand to hand sparring. We always spar with our weapons but never just hand to hand." Onyx nods. "Yes, it is also important to have a mastery in hand to hand combat. We shall do that for a while before we weapon spar again. The two continued to talk and develop a training regime while Sodalite excused herself to the bedroom. Shortly after a knock was heard at the door and Onyx went to go answer it. "Good evening Onyx." Tasha says. "Do you mind accompanying me to the bar tonight?" She asks. "Sure, Tasha give me a moment." She says and Tasha nods. "Heading out?" Spinel asks and Onyx nods. Spinel stands up to hug Onyx. The sensation of their breasts being pressed together brought a blush to both of their faces. Onyx giving Spinel a kiss and heading out with Tasha to the Nightlyfe Bar in the northern district.                                                                                                                                                                                                    "So, what's going on that you want me to come along?" Onyx asks as they arrive at the bar. "I have some people I want to introduce you too. They could prove to be good allies if you want them to." Onyx nods as they head to the VIP section. "Oh, you're back finally." The men say as Tasha and Onyx entered the booth. They turn their attention to Onyx then quickly look away as Onyx's breasts were threatening to bounce out of her top as she slid into the booth. "Good Evening gentlemen." Onyx says with a light bow. "Ray this is Onyx, S-class mercenary and member of SG." Onyx perks her brow. "S-class mercenary huh." "Yeah your work in the dangerous jobs haven't gone unnoticed." Tasha says with a smile. "I've been impressed with your work myself." The other gentlemen commented. "Especially the night we bumped into each other collecting jobs to blow off some steam." Onyx eyes widened then she nods. "Something about you felt familiar now it makes sense." "Arashii." He says with a bow. "A pleasure to meet the both of you." Onyx says and Tasha speaks up. "Onyx, I brought you here because these two are interested in forming ties with you. Arashii a fellow S-class mercenary, combat artist, and blade specialist. Ray is a bartender, Intel gatherer, and the only one that contracts S-class jobs." Onyx nods. "As a fellow mercenary I would like to have you as a partner from time to time. Some missions I could use someone to watch my back. And you are the most skilled gem I've seen around." Onyx nods sitting back with her feet up on the table. "I on the other hand am interested in being your Intel source and ear of the town. For the both of you rather." Onyx nods pulling her feet down to lean up against the table. "You both have intrigued me and I will take you up on your offer, however it will take time to develop the trust necessary to be a cohesive partnership." Ray and Arashii nod in agreement. "Likewise." "Tasha will be the point of conversation until that trust is formed. After that my line of direct communication will be open to the two of you." The men nod again, and they stand and exchange handshakes. "I do look forward to working with you two." "Likewise." The group disband from the booth Onyx and Tasha heading out Arashii and Ray staying at the bar. "Wasn't expecting that but it went well." Onyx nods. "I'm weary of who I associate myself with outside of SG, you have proven to be a friend, so I don't expect you to bring untrustworthy people across my path." "I respect your outlook Onyx; I trust Ray and my brother will form that trust rather soon." "I look forward to it."              Onyx says her and Tasha parting ways and Onyx heading home but bumps into Hematite. "Oh, hey Onyx. How are you feeling?" "Better now that I'm around my girls." "That's good. I wanted to apologize. It was wrong for me judge your actions the way that I did and." Onyx held her hand cutting off Hematite. "You don't need to apologize Hematite; you just don't understand." Hematite nods. "It's not something I can explain but it's hard to feel loved by someone who is the center of your existence only to realize she was fashioning you to be like someone else. It's like she never cared about me which I know isn't true, but it still feels that way and it hurts." Onyx says and Hematite face saddens. "Hopefully it's something you'll never experience Hematite, you're a good gem." Onyx says patting Hematite's back heading her way home. Spinel and Sodalite were talking when Onyx arrived, Onyx going into her room to meditate. 

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