Chapter 1 - The Mysterious Chakram

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      It had begun the first snow of the winter season and Onyx was standing outside amazed as the snow came down. She watched as the snowflakes fell from the sky unto the ground and her skin. "Earth truly is a wondrous planet." Onyx says catching the snowflakes in her palm. She watched as they linked together and formed bigger flakes before melting due to her warm skin. Spinel had came out collecting the snow on the ground to form a snowball and threw it at Onyx, hitting her on the back of her head. Onyx falls over into the snow and Spinel breaks down laughing. Onyx hearing Spinel got playfully mad and made a big snowball and hurled it at Spinel burying her under it. "Who's laughing now?" Onyx teased as Spinel dug her way to the top of the giant snowball. "Oh it's on." Spinel says as she and Onyx engage in a snowball fight, laughing and chasing each other up and down the beach-side. Sodalite was watching the two from the window with a gleeful smile. The three of them had been taught to be professional and virtually emotionless in their training back on Homeworld so to watch and see them acting freely and having fun was quiet the joy for Sodalite to see. Sodalite's attention is drawn away when her communicator started ringing. Answered it, it was Hematite. "Morning Hematite what's up?" "Hey Sodalite, I just wanted to inform you that me and Benitoite will be gone for a while, heading down to Sandertown for a body guarding request." "Ok you two be safe and let me know when you return." "Will do." Hematite says and they end transmission. Shortly after Spinel and Onyx came back inside. "So who won the fight?" Sodalite asks. "Me." They both say looking at each other then laughing. "Hematite and Benitoite are going out for a job so they won't be around for a little while." Onyx nods while Spinel goes to sit on the couch. "I'm going to go head into the city for a while, look into that weapon shop and the weapon museum and see if anything calls out to me." "Want us to go with you?" Sodalite asks. "No that's ok love, I want to do this by myself, finding a new weapon is a personal matter to me." Sodalite nods. "Ok just give us a call if you need anything." "I will." Onyx says giving Sodalite a kiss then walking over to Spinel and kissing her. "I'll be back later." She says dawning some pants and a hoodie and heading out hoping on her hover board and heading into the city.                                                                         Arriving at the weapon shop first Onyx walked inside and met with the receptionist. "Good morning ma'am you must be Onyx." She says and Onyx nods. "I'll let Jeff know you're here." She says making a quick call. Shortly after a tall man came to meet Onyx. "Greetings Onyx." He says with a bow and Onyx returns the gesture. "You wanted my insight on a weapon for yourself yes?" He asks and she nods as they walk downstairs to where most of the weapons were displayed. "Tell me, what is that you are looking for?" He asks. "I'm looking for something mainly for close quarters combat but maybe something that can second as a ranged option." Jeff nods think of some suggestions. "What do you use now?" He asks. "A bow." Onyx replies summoning it. "I see yes you would need something for short range fights." Jeff takes Onyx around looking a various short ranged weapons, from daggers to swords and everything in between but Onyx couldn't feel a connection to any of the weapons he showed her. "Don't think anything of these would work for me." She started to say laying her eyes on a weapon she hadn't seen before. "What is that?" She says pointing to a weapon encased in glass. Jeff looks to what she was pointing at. Walking towards the weapon it began to glow. "I'm not sure what the weapon is, but it was something that was given to us as a mark of triumph from the war that happened with your Homeworld years ago." Jeff said as they stood in front of it. It looked like a crescent blade, a half circular blade with a handle on the side opposite of the blade. "Nobody around here knows the history of it or what exactly it is." Onyx reached her hand out then withdrew it. As she approached the weapon with her hand the glow intensified then retreated from it the glow dimmed. "Regardless of that though." Jeff says watching Onyx. "It seems to respond to you." Onyx nods bringing her hand to touch the glass. As she did that the mysterious blade reacted. Coming off its stand and breaking the glass and coming to Onyx's hand. The shattering glass gained the attention of everyone else in the store. "Well it's apparent it has some attachment to you Onyx." Jeff says signaling for someone to clean up the glass. "Sorry about that I wasn't expecting that to happen." She says wielding the blade. "I don't think anyone could predict that happening, it's quiet alright." Onyx tried to recall the weapon but, in it's current form it refused her gem. "Interesting." Jeff says. One of the gems that had witnessed what happened walked over. "Unable to pull it into your gem?" She asks and Onyx nods. "That usually means the weapon isn't in it's complete form. I think there might be another piece." She says both Jeff and Onyx looking at the gem. "Where you here when the war happened?" Onyx asked and the gem shook her head. "No I wasn't but I think you'd have better luck with that subject at the weapon museum." She says and Jeff snaps his finger. "She's right, there's tons of weapons there from that war. There should also be a historian there that knows something." Onyx nods. "Guess I should head to the museum." "If you end up figuring it out would you return to show me, I'd be interesting in learning about that weapon." "I will." Onyx says heading out of the shop and to the museum.                                                                                                                                                                                            The security was weary of her carrying a weapon but once she explained the situation they let her in. Shortly she was greeted by a gem. "Greetings Onyx I was told you wanted to talk to someone about the War of Peace?" Onyx looks confused for a moment. "If that's the war between earth and Homeworld that happens years ago then yes." The gem nods. "I'm Green Apatite by the way." "A pleasure to meet you." Onyx says as she follows down into a wing about Homeworld. Onyx listened as the Green Apatite told her the history of the war. Something outstanding was obvious in her story and that an unnamed gem played a large part of it. On all the displays and memos a name was covered or blanked out. Once Green Apatite finished talking Onyx ask about it. "Why is the history skewed?" Onyx asks and the Green Apatite looks offended. "You and these memos are going around the fact that there is someone at the center of this war. Why won't you say her name or why does the museum refuse to recognize this person?" Green Apatite looks around nervously before whispering. "We aren't allow to mention her name or have her name displayed. I can't explain why because I don't know I'm just following rules." Onyx looks at her with a stoic look then smiles. "Well do you know anything about this weapon?" She asks showing her what she was carrying around. "Looks like a crescent blade." "It's not." Onyx says. "I can't pull it into my gem so it isn't complete, there's another piece." "Hmm." Green Apatite ponders a minute. The blade started to glow again and Onyx reached her hand out to grab it but it flew back to her hand. Shortly after flying back out of her hand across the room into a hidden door. "What are you doing?" Green Apatite asks panicked. "It's not me it's the blade." Onyx says going to retrieve it from the door but once she did it was pulling her into the door. Onyx goes to open it but Green Apatite stops her. "We aren't allowed in there." "Either we go in or this blade will force it's way in." Green Apatite looks around and unlocks the door letting Onyx inside. The force of the blade weakens but still pulls Onyx through the dark room. Once Green Apatite turned on the light Onyx realized why it pulled her here. Encased in glass was a similar blade. "That's why it pulled me in here." Onyx says Green Apatite looks surprised. "I never been in here, I'm forbidden in here in fact." She says looking around. "I see why." Onyx says with a flat tone. Spread around the room were events and agendas for gem enslavement. Onyx looks around briefly in shock, Green Apatite in horror. "Guess the hostility is worse than I thought, but why is this here, in a neutral zone." "The owner is from Vanderville. That area is inhabited by humans who hate gems or refuse to forgive gems for the damage to earth and our original agenda." Onyx nods walking over to the glass the captive blade glowing intensely. "Green Apatite. You need to leave after this, you might be in danger now that you know of this room." Onyx says touching the glass and just like at the shop the blade sprung out from it's stand shattering the glass and coming to Onyx's awaiting hand. Green Apatite watches as Onyx holds the two blades examining them. She started to feel a pull to bring them together and as she did the blades joined together forming a full circle, shortly after expanding to it's full size. "No way..." Green Apatite says Onyx struggling to hold the much larger weapon. "It's a Chakram." Green Apatite says in awe. "I've only read about these I've never seen one before." Onyx plants the blade on the ground and looks at it herself. She tries to pull the weapon into her gem and this time it worked. But the instant she did that a memory flashed into her mind. A blurred scene of the weapon's previous owner fighting both for and against the gems during the war, Onyx couldn't make out who she was but was snapped back to reality when she heard a door slam open. "Where is that damn gem?!?" A man yelled from above. Onyx and Green Apatite quickly scrambled back out of the door and hitting off the lights.                                                                          Once they were back in the main area of the museum, Green Apatite dragged Onyx outside. "Onyx I can't stay here knowing what he's planning. I need to tell someone, but I don't know who." Onyx pondered for a moment and smiled. "Don't worry I know someone. Hang low for a while until you hear something about him getting exposed." Green Apatite nodded. "Thank you, Onyx." She says running her way home. Onyx on the other hand went to a nearby bar to see if there was a request against the man and sure enough, she found two. One wanted him dead, the other wanted him in for questioning. Onyx took the offer that wanted him dead because the one that wanted to question him wouldn't solve the issue at hand. Heading to the address on the request Onyx pressed a button on her team communicator that signaled Sodalite and Spinel to meet her. Knocking on the door a middle aged woman opened the door and invited Onyx in. Onyx showing the woman the request she went to retrieve the rest of the people that was here. "I want to thank you for accepting my request." The woman started. "The man that runs the Museum got there due to his family influence, but his family are accepting of the gems, he isn't." The woman says before Onyx stops her. "I've seen his plans, I know what he's trying to do, I just need to know if he's working alone or if I need to bring back up." The man next to the woman spoke up. "You'll need backup if only for a distraction. He keeps to himself nobody here agrees with his motive and vision we all love the gems being here." Onyx nods. "So, a quick assassination, should be easy." "If you succeed in this mission you will save all those gems that work under him." Onyx nods. "I intend too." She says as a knock hits the door. "That's probably my backup." She says the woman getting up to open the door. "My name is Sasha; I hope you are able to succeed in our request." "I'm Onyx, and I will not fail." Onyx and Sasha shake hands and Onyx briefs Sodalite and Spinel on the situation. "That's horrible." Sodalite says and Spinel grits her teeth. "All I need you two to do is move the gems together and explain what's going on. I'll handle him myself." Onyx says Sodalite and Spinel nodding following Onyx back to the museum.                                                                                                                                                                                                Sodalite and Spinel distracted the entry guards while Onyx slips inside. Onyx making her way back to the room, while Sodalite and Spinel split up and address the gem staff. Onyx presses her ear against the door hearing the man yell and curse. Onyx hearing a loud bang from the main exhibit room of the museum. The people and gems that was in her immediate area went to go see the commotion giving Onyx the opportunity to sneak into the room with her bow drawn. "What the fuck is it now?" The man says. Onyx shoots the arrow into the platform above her, alarming the man as she turns the lights on. He approaches the stair case slowly Onyx leaning against the stand where her blade once was. Climbing down the stairs with a sword drawn, upon seeing a unarmed Onyx he sheathed his sword and went to face her. "Gem slavery huh." She says locking eyes with the man. "Who are you?" He asked. "I'm Onyx, and you are?" "Denmar, what does my plans have to do with you?" "I'm a gem dumbass. Even if not aimed at me directly it's against my people." She says. The man realized the blade was missing and his eyes went wide. "Where's my blade!" He yelled. "Why does that matter?" Onyx asks. "No where is my blade! That blade is the key to everything!" "Your precious blade is back with it's missing piece and home with a new gem." Denmar gets angry. "No not again! I can't go back to have that weapon extracted again! We need it to free Serendibite!" Upon hearing the name Onyx lunged across the room at the man the force of the impact breaking the table he was against and knocking him to the floor Onyx with her hand around his neck. "Where is Serendibite?" Onyx says her tone dropped to a deathly tone. "What do you want with her." "She has a diamond to answer too." Denmar laughs. "Black Diamond sent you to find her didn't she? Bet you don't know the truth behind Serendibite." Onyx squeezes his neck. "Tell me where she is or die." "She's in Embercliff, but you won't make it there. That area has a law of free killing of any gems." "And I have the freedom to kill anyone that stands in my way." Onyx says summoning the Chakram. "You!" Denmar says before Onyx puts the blade against his throat. "What do you want with Serendibite?" "Serendibite is the reason we won the war and achieved peace, but she was trapped with the energy of her own weapon. Nothing can break that barrier except her Chakram." Onyx listens. "We need to break her out so we can kill her." Onyx looks at the man. "She's mine and you are done." Onyx says putting her weight against the Chakram, the blade sliding into Denmar's throat and yanking it out as he bled out. "Sodalite, Spinel the deed is done." Onyx says. The staff began to pile into the room to verify that he was indeed dead and they began to praise Onyx. "This museum belongs to you guys now, but does anyone know Serendibite is?" Onyx asks and the gems look amongst each other before a Citrine stepped forth. "Serendibite, is a forbidden gem, her name isn't to be publish or mentioned in the history books, that's why there's a blank out on a lot of the memos here. We don't have any information here, but I know my fellow Citrine in Tasir knows everything about her. She's a blacksmith but she won't talk to anyone about Serendibite without the key." Onyx shows the blade. "This?" The gem nods. "You will recognize her by a long strand of white in her red hair and a scar like mark across her left eye." "Thanks." Onyx says pulling the Chakram back into her gem and heading out with Sodalite and Spinel. "So off to Tasir?" Spinel asks. "For me yes you two stay here. This is my Diamond business." Spinel nods and Sodalite goes to protest but Spinel stops her. "I'll be back soon." Onyx says kicking the ground her hover board disconnecting from her shoe and forming from it's key. Onyx hops on and puts in the coordinates for the city of Tasir. She leans down to kiss Spinel and Sodalite before flying off. 

Arc 2 - Weapons and Trainingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن