A Halloween Game Night To Remember

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On one spooky Halloween night.......

That you've been waiting all year for. You even made your own awesome DIY green ninja costume out of some craft supplies and leftover green fabric from your mom's homemade Christmas decorations. You were so ready. You made a sword, and had a Ninjago themed party bag to put all your candy in!

Your six best friends were dressed up as well, like all the other respective ninja, plus Sensei Wu. You had a great time and got a buttload of candy, which you traded amongst yourselves. It was the best Halloween ever.

As it was getting a bit later, your friends needed to get back home for dinner. But you had something different in mind since you still had an hour left until your curfew.

So you split up with your friends-after taking a few celebratory ninja squad selfies for the memories-and strolled into your favorite arcade. You loved this place, as you'd been going there since you were a very smol bean. Even smaller than smol Lloyd.

And when you entered you could still smell the nostalgic smell of commercial popcorn and pizza. The cartoony music also made you feel at ease like you were in your own little world.

You looked around, and you could see no one else in the whole place, other than the workers. You guessed you were the only person who wanted to spend the remainder of Halloween at your favorite arcade.

But you don't mind and shrug it off. More fun and games for you. You saunter up to the front counter and ask if you can purchase the smallest pack of game tokens, as you're only staying for a short while, and have your favorite games exclusively in mind.

The clerk says yes, and that'll be five dollars for twenty game tokens. You hand them the money out of your ninja suit back pocket and hand it to them excitedly. They give you the aforementioned twenty game tokens.

"Have fun!" The clerk wishes you off. "And happy Halloween!"

"Thanks!" You reply with a small wave as you walk away. "You too!"

After that, you play some of your favorite games.

That car racing game that there are a million different kinds of, but nobody knows what it's called.

The dance games that make you lose all confidence in your coordination skills.

The accuracy games where you have to throw a thing at a thing to win, (most of the time a ball) which in you get frustratingly close to winning, but then run out of time.

The claw machine games that you know are rigged, but just can't help but try at least once every time you come.

The little two-player booth games where you shoot stuff but are only fun if you brought a friend, so it wasn't much fun this time.

The addictive games that are just big versions of cash grab app games.

And then finally, you've played almost all of your favorite games enough to where you only have one token left.

Which you saved for the best game of all. Your all-time favorite.


And not Ms. Pac-Man, or spinoff Pac-Man, or Baby Pac-Man,

Just good old classic Pac-Man.

You sat down on the stool and looked up at the screen, confidence in your eyes. Every time you came to this arcade you beat the top high-score, whether it was your own, or someone else's.

A Halloween Game Night To Remember | A Lego Ninjago One-Part StoryWhere stories live. Discover now