Chapter 3 - Childhood Memories

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Tomoe POV

It's been too long since the last time I've seen Rin god I miss him so much. And I still remember the promise I made with him all those years ago.
"Promise me that one day you and me can do stride together" I said. "Yeah one day me and you can run side by side" Rin happily said. "Hey we don't have to wait we can race right now" I said. "Yeah last one to      your house is a rotten egg" Rin said as he was starting run. After me and Rin raced each other it was a tie. Then Rin said something that I couldn't believe at that time "Tomoe, I have to tell you something I'm going t-" when he was going to say thing that I knew he was going say, until my brother Riku interrupted us and said "hi Rin do you wanna play with me!". "Sorry Riku I can't right now but I will when have I time" Rin said with a bright smile on his face. We then go inside my house and into a private place so we can talk. Rin resumed what he was saying outside earlier "anyways what I was going to tell you that is I'm going to America with my cousin". Again I couldn't believe what he told me I mean I wasn't mad at him but I was just shocked. Then I see Rin look down and sigh disappointedly. "Look Tomoe I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this sooner I just wished..." Rin suddenly stopped and I he think he was starting to cry. My mom and Riku then came into my room to hear what was all the commotion about. My mom then gasped when she saw Rin cry then she went over to him and calmed him down. When I saw Rin cry it hurt me inside like something was my fault but I knew that it wasn't my fault. Then I went over to Rin and I hugged him then my mom and Riku joined in on the hug which was now a group hug.
-flashback end-

I then sigh deeply when I replayed the memory in my head. Now I know it's been a long time since the last time I saw Rin. I know he's been in basketball a completely different sport than stride but I watched a couple of his matches on the internet and have to say that I'm impressed with how he's doing, then I noticed something he sprints a lot faster than the last time I raced him. Could it be that Rin is putting a lot more cardio in his his training... I don't know but he does look a lot more older and more handsome I blush at the thought. I wonder what's Kyosuke is doing back at Japan then I decide to call him. I told him that I was coming back home to Japan since I was in America. I hope that once I return home that I will get to see Kyosuke but most importantly Rin.

From One Sport to Another (Prince of Stride Alternative x Male Reader OC)Where stories live. Discover now