Upon returning, she found Tom in the same exact spot and the same exact position with the only difference being his clothes having changed into his uniform.

"I bought you something."

Tom did not move or say anything.

"I-I'll just put it here then. And we'll be arriving soon." Faeyth placed the small package on the seat by Tom and began to gather her carry-on things.

Tom just watched silently.


The train let out a mighty blow as its wheels screeched to a halt. Steam billowed from the locomotive. Commotion and chaos returned to the train as students, old and young alike, all scrambled to get off the train.

"Well... I guess I'll see you around?" Faeyth asked Tom as she was half way out of the compartment.

Tom's only reply was "Your tie is crooked. Move it to the left."

Faeyth shrugged and bounced out of the compartment.

"First years to the boats, everyone else to the carriages! First years, follow me!" someone directed the scattered traffic.

Tom wondered what they meant by 'boats' because he, for sure, was not going to row his way to this magic school. If anything, Tom was just glad to be out of the orphanage for once.

Without realizing it until he heard the slothing of water on a dark bank, did Tom see several boats, long enough to fit three or more students in each, lined up for the first years to pile into.

Although hesitantly, Tom clamored into one with a rather pale haired boy, an ugly, dull-faced male with a dumb look on his face, and just Tom's luck, Faeyth.

"Hello again, Tom!" Isn't this exciting?"

He frowned.

"At least smile! You don't have to be sour all the time!" Faeyth chided.

Tom cracked a smile at that, causing Faeyth to laugh and she turned away from Tom with her back facing him. Tom fiddled with the package he had hastily shoved in his pocket on the train.

"Tom! Look! Isn't it magnificent?" Faeyth leaned forwards, awestruck with her mouth slightly agape. Tom looked up to see what made Faeyth gasp.

In front of them was the most beautiful castle Tom had ever seen - not that he had really seen many castles in the first place.

"Yes, it is," Tom breathed out, actually replying to her for once, dropping his stony demeanor.

All the first years clamored off of the boats excitedly, causing the boats to tip and slosh the water against the docks. The gasps came once they reached the grand doors of the Great Hall.

Professor Albus Dumbledore, an older gentleman with a long, white beard to match his long, dark robes topped with a pointed hat that folded over down his back who wore small spectacles on his nose which framed the mysterious glint in his aging eyes, explained the system of the Sorting that will occur once they enter the grand dining hall.

"What house do you think you'll get into?" Faeyth asked Tom when the professor disappeared to announce the first years' arrival.

"I don't know. Maybe Slytherin?" Tom answered, taking in his surroundings.

Before Faeyth could ask anything else of him, Professor Dumbledore came back and led the newly arrived students in.

Upon entering the Great Hall, a great chatter met the first years and even Tom could not help but stare up at the night sky enchanted on the ceiling. Floating candles littered the air above them as they approached the long table at the front of the room. A short stool sat in front of the table with an old, ratty, wrinkled, brown hat sitting upon it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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