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Aziraphale hadn't heard from Crowley for a week now, and was beginning to be slightly worried.
He couldn't think of a reason why the demon would vanish without letting him know why, and he was getting rather sad. (Little did he know that Crowley was quite confused about his feelings and embarrassed that he was being so vulnerable around the angel that he went to sleep for six days straight after one day of excessive thinking and drinking.)
He worried that now he himself went to fast for the demon, that he intimitated, irritated or hurt him in any way.
So Aziraphale decided that the best thing to do was to stop by at Crowleys place and see if everything was tickety-boo, in his best coat, of course! He also put a small box of chocolates in his coat to sneak into Crowleys kitchen as a surprise for later.

There was no light in the windows of Crowleys flat when the angel arrived, which didn't calm him at all. He let out a flat sigh and rang the bell. Nothing happened.
Aziraphale rang again.
After a few seconds of waiting for a reaction that didn't come, he put down his thumb on the button for the doorbell and held it down with an annoyed pout of his lips. He stood like this for a good five minutes, before the door to the building opened on its own. Anxious and with furrowed brows, Aziraphale made his way upstairs.
The door to Crowleys flat was open as well, only very dimmed light shimmering from inside. Then, Crowley appeared in the door.

"What?", he gnarled. When he saw Aziraphale, his eyes widened sightly.

"Oh it's you! Wasn't expecting you..."

"Well, I can see that", Aziraphale said and stepped in.

He tried his best not to look at Crowley, who stood in his flat as if he had seen it for the first time - very lost, his hair a mess and his robe (the only apparent thing he was wearing) just very loosely tied. The angel did not have to look twice to know what was going on.

"How long have you been sleeping for?", he asked.

Crowley mumbled: "Dunno really..."

"Mhhhh, that's not good, my dear!"

The demon didn't answer and shrugged instead.

"Well, if you are not going to talk to me, because you barely can keep your eyes open, let me make you some strong tea!"

And with that, Aziraphale flounced into the kitchen, where the first thing he did was to place the chocolates strategically on the counter next to the stove.
Then, after putting the kettle on, he went looking for mugs. He was rather bewildered when he saw that in one of his cupboards, Crowley had a mug with angel wings just like he gave to him, but in black. A small golden "A" was engraved in it, and Aziraphale was certain it stood for "Anthony" (it did not). In the end, he grabbed two plain white mugs instead.
Two cups of tea in his hands, he went back into the living room. Crowley had put on some soul music and was lounging on the couch, his body sprawled out completely.

"Ah, tea! Thank you, Angel!", he said when he noticed Aziraphale. He then proceeded to gulp down the entire cup in one gulp.

After hours of drinking tea and Crowley slowly waking up completely, Aziraphale had become hungry.

Crowley must have noticed, because he asked: "How about we have dinner, Angel? Just to change sceneries?"


"I heard about this fantastic place in Woking, they do seafood."Crowley smirked and left Aziraphale wondering if the innuendo about the seafood and their first kiss was on purpose or if Crowley was, in fact, crawing seafood. He wasn't keen on asking him, so he ignored it instead.
Also, Aziraphale had enough of the soul music, so when they were finally in the Bentley, he turned on the music.

"Oh, Angel... Maybe-", Crowley tried to say, but it was too late.

"Thats not "Queen", is it?", Aziraphale asked.

"Ngk", answered Crowley.

"Did you-"

"I didn't", said Crowley, "The Bentley just started playing it last week and it won't stop."

Aziraphale had to ask: "Do you mind it?"

"Oh, not at all, no", answered Crowley.

"Well, my dear, me neither, because I really love the memory of our dance to that song..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2019 ⏰

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