Old Memories

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Saying that they had dinner would have been an understatement – they had a feast. Of course there had been a free table at the Ritz, and Crowley paid for everything (which meant he paid for Aziraphale eating ungodly amounts while he watched, smiling through all courses).
By the time they went back to the bookshop, they were moderately drunk and both more in love than ever, also even shyer to admit it. Aziraphale thought it would be a good idea to open a few bottles of Chateauneuf du Pape, and so they did. It wasn't the first time that they got drunk together, but this time was different. They didn't talk much, even though Crowley clearly was thinking about something he wanted to ask the angel, and their mood was rather melancholic.

"Whatever happened to your plant?", Crowley asked all of the sudden.

"It's in the kitchen. I used our mug as a pot, since I don't have one. Thought it fit quite well, my dear", he said.

"Why does that fit?"

Because it was Crowleys plant and he stole it and he loved it and him very much, but that was not what he said.

Instead, he answered: "Because it's a cute plant. And the mug is cute too, isn't it?"

"'Suppose it is...", Crowley mumbled.

Silence fell over the room, only interrupted by Aziraphale refilling his glass.

Then, after taking a deep breath, Crowley burst out: "I still don't get it! You – my sugar daddy?!"

Aziraphale wasn't sure what to respond and shrugged.

"How- How would you get that idea?", he continued.

"I don't know, dear", Aziraphale said.

He did know, though, but didn't care to mention it now. Some things better stayed private, he was convinced that Crowley was quite upset about the assumption that they were in love (Which was true, but in a good way. Crowley tried his best to hide his feelings and was very surprised that someone recognized them.).

"How would that even work?"

"What? Uhm, a sugar-"

Crowley interrupted him: "I know what a sugar daddy is, Angel."

"Oh!" He took a sip of his wine.

"No, I mean - us, dating, you know."

"Oh", Aziraphale said, again, this time his voice crooked a little bit from excitement.

"Us! A couple! We didn't even kiss, not once!"

Crowley clearly was more drunk than Aziraphale had thought, or else he wouldn't have said that.He himself wasn't completely sober either. He didn't know if it was the alcohol that made him say what he said next, that he was tired or just exhausted from hiding his love for thousands of years now.

"We did, though.", he said.

"I am sorry, what???", Crowley shouted.
He had jumped on the couch on which he was sitting, now squatting on it nervously.

"How did you think you know how I smell? Snakes smell with their tongues... Do you remember that one night in Rome?", he asked.

"Which one, Angel? There were more than one, you know.", the demon snarled.

"The one where I made you try oysters, my dear."

Crowley nodded and said: "Not particularly."

"No, you got rather drunk that night." The angel paused and came to the conclusion that teasing the demon a little bit might not hurt.
"You also told me that you have no gag reflex...", he added.

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