A Request

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The screams were deafening. When Aziraphale woke up, they were the only thing he could hear, and he was very concerned. At first, the angel thought that it was Crowley who was making all the noise, but he also knew how Crowley sounded when screaming – not like that! It took him solid five minutes of laying on the couch in Crowleys living room until he realised that it were in fact the plants that were screaming. Aziraphale was able to talk to plants if he wanted to, and sometimes plants could even reach out to him. And Crowleys plants seemed to have the fear of God put into them.

"Hello, my dear plants!", he said quietly.

The plants stopped screaming in response, but they were still shaking. Aziraphale wondered why they were so afraid, he strongly suspected that Crowley was involved in that fear.

"Why were you screaming?"

The plants answered in a language, that only angels and demons could understand. Aziraphales suspicion was confirmed, they feared Crowley. Now they were desperately trying to hide a smaller plant that had lost a leave during the night and would not survive the day.

"My friends, fear not, I will help you!", Aziraphale declared, his voice still quiet in case Crowley was nearby.

The plants thanked him and then asked for his name, which Aziraphale proudly told them.All of the sudden, the plants got silent. No screaming, no shaking, nothing. Then, after a few moments, they began murmuring, so that Aziraphale could not understand them, no matter how hard he was trying to.

"Excuse me, did I say something wrong? I am sorry if I have offended you...", he excused himself.

The whispering stopped and the plants began to talk again. But Aziraphale noticed that they sounded much more shy and also quite... amused!?

The plants said the following to the angel: "Aziraphale... We have heard of you. Crowley talks to us as well, but that's rather rare."

The angel, upon hearing this words, was more than just confused. What, for heavens sake, did Crowley tell his plants about him? And why wouldn't they tell him what he said? Aziraphale came to the conclusion that the plants probably wanted to protect his feelings, because Crowley was still a demon, and demons were not nice (even though Aziraphale truly believed that Crowley was).So without another word, and a little bit heartbroken, Aziraphale left the living room and all the plants in it. They, however, knew exactly that Crowley would never loose a bad word about "his angel". The plants also decided to not tell Aziraphale that Crowley only talked to them when he was very drunk and didn't feel the need to sober up. They also kept silent about what exactly Crowley told them, and that there was absolutely no reason for the angel to be sad. But since Crowley was usually really mean to them, the plants decided to not help Crowley regarding his feelings, even though they felt bad for Aziraphale.

Aziraphale had decided to not let Crowley know that he was sad and instead show him that everything was tickety-boo. The demon lounged on a kitchen chair, wearing a robe. The robe was pitch black, of course.

"Morning, Angel."

"Good morning, my dear!"

He smiled, not knowing what to do. Crowley sure looked good in his robe, but the angel didn't want to stare. So instead, he decided to look at the fridge while blushing slightly. That was way less obvious... If he noticed something in Aziraphales behaviour, Crowley said nothing. As hard as he tried not to look at him, he could not resist glancing at Crowley. He however was looking at him without an attempt to hide it, resting his arm on the armrest of his chair, his head leaned back. He didn't wear glasses, so Aziraphale could see his yellow eyes sparkle in the bright light with which the room was lit. Aziraphale shifted his weight from one leg to the other in order to hide his slight embarrassment.

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