"What- you- when-?"

"Dumbledore suggested it. Said dad would figure it out later anyway. He's probaly right, they say Dumbledore doesn't miss a trick but they clearly haven't met my dad." James puffed his chest out proudly.

Jasmine sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "I don't know how mum puts up with you-"

"Hey! I'm incred-"

"Incredibly annoying, yeah I know. I swear at this point the only person who doesn't know is my own boyfriend."

She buried her face in her hands at the thought of him finding out. Or worse, her father finding out the truth about the future, about how everyone had died.

Now that was a conversation she did not want to be a part of.

"I'm screwed." Her muffled voice came. James rolled his eyes and lead her upstairs to the boys dorm, before anyone noticed they had entered however, Siruis sneezed.

"Oh no, I think he has the..." Peter said suddenly, looking up with wide eyes.

"What? The what!? Tell me, man!"

"Siruis, not to alarm you but, I think you have the black plague."

"Very funny." Siruis responded dryly.

"Don't worry, it's not thaat Siruis." James quipped, bringing the three to acknowledge his presence.

"Yeah," Remus began finally, closing his book. "He only has the Snuffles."

James, Remus and Peter all shared high fives. James opened his mouth to make another jab at the boy but was suddenly pinched.

"OW! What was that for?" He asked sharply, glaring at his daughter. She gave him a sweet smile before sitting next to her boyfriend who wore a triumphant grin.

"You had your fun, bambi. Now leave him alone."

"Yeah, bambi, leave me alone." He turned to his girlfriend- "Who's bambi again?"

"Is this what it's going to be like with you two together?"

"Most definitely, Tyler Lockwood."


"Exactly, gus gus."


"IT'S SNOWING!" Siruis smiled mid yawn as he watched Jasmine stick her tongue out in hopes to catch a snow flake. His initial reaction to being woken up at seven in the morning on a Saturday had been to panic and go through everything he had done wrong in the last seven years, instead he was treated to the sight of the girl of his dreams jumping up and down like a mad woman.

Farid, the pug, seemed to share her excitement. The small creature burrowed through the snow, tongue hanging out, and was currently ice skating on the black lake.

"Jazzy, have you never seen snow before?"

"I have!" She defended hastily, turning to face him. "But not recently! And besides, the last time it snowed bad stuff happend..."

"What do you mean?"

Jasmine fell silent as she remembered Godrics Hollow. Her parents graves, Bathilda Bagshot, Nagini..

"Let's just say a camping trip gone wrong."

She suddenly grinned and scooped up a ball of snow, Siruis looked at her in confusion until he was hit in the face with the stuff.

"Oh. It. Is. On."

"Bring it, Snuffles."

"Oh trust me, it's coming Granger."

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