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Stan was sitting on a rock at the quarry, one by one the rest of the losers had to go home leaving only him and Bill.
We were both bored, I could tell. I was waiting for Bill to say something.
"W-wanna ride b-b-bikes?" He asked me.
"I didn't bring mine, my mom dropped me off here." I said.
"It's f-fine, you can s-s-stand on the b-back of mine." He said with a small smile.
I didn't really want to because I didn't want to get hurt but he smile looked so...convincing. So I agreed.
After Bill got on the bike I put one foot on the back peg and then the other foot. I had never rode on the back of someone's bike before so This was new for me. Soon I realized I didn't have anything to hold onto.
I placed my hands on Bill's shoulders trying not to make it awkward. He still didn't start the bike though. I looked around around for a moment. Then I suddenly felt someone touch my hands.
"Y-you'll probably fall off if y-y-you hold onto m-my shoulders." He said as he moved my hands to his waist.
I didn't say anything but I could feel the heat in my cheeks and knew I was blushing. I didn't know why but I brushed it off.

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