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Like a normal summer day I got up and got dressed and before I knew it, I was ready for the day. I grabbed a granola bar on the way out fo the house. I didn't have time for breakfast, and my parents didn't have the time to make it. Or more so, didn't feel like it. I hadn't even bothered to say goodmorning to my parents anymore, I knew I wouldn't get a response. After Georgie....after he...well you know. My parents just shut down. They still love me, I know that for sure but my mom especially just doesn't like to be social anymore and my dad, well he just threw himself into work and that's all he does now. I rushed out of the house and grabbed silver. (My bike) I could still here my mother playing Für Elise on the piano as I biked away.
When I got to the quarry I threw down my bike and climbed over the fence to find the rest of the losers, except for Beverly, sitting on the ground on a small circle. I joined the circle and we started to talk.
"So what should we do today?" Eddie asked.
"I don't know" Ben said to the group.
"Wanna know what I did yesterday?" Richie asked.
Eddie looked at him with an agitated "I know what your gonna say" expression on his face. Eddie stayed silent. And Richie went on with his joke.
"Ask your mom." He said with an evil grin on his face.
"Glad to see nothing's changed"
I jerked my head to face behind me.
"S-stan!" I said in surprise as I got up.
"Hey" he said to everyone.
"How was camp?" Asked Ben.
"It was good." He replied
Hope your enjoying my book so far!! :)

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