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Thomas bought sandwiches and brought it to us. I sat down on the grass next to the van.
,,Such a sunny day," I finished that embarasing silence.
,,Yes, as sunny as Leo had to get drunk..." Thomas said, as if he could not say anything positive. The end of conversation.
I looked up to the skies and watched birds flying above us. They have an awesome lives, they don't care about anything. They don't need money so they are not in stress becouse of a little of wealth.
,,Be carefull while looking at the birds, they may shit on you," Andy, bassguitarist, warned me.
We smiled and changed eye contact with each of the band.
,,Who is ready to finnish this non-ending way to berlin?"
,,Brian, do you even care about that I'm the only one who is able to drive here? Let me chill a little bit-"
,,Guys, Janson is calling!" Leo showed the phone.
,,Put it on speakers," Leo put the mobile into the middle of a ring we formed.
,,Yes, sir?"
,,Hey, listen-" we all got shocked by how he spoke to us like to a dogs.
,,There is a little complication, we need you to come to Berlin as soon as possible," Thomas sighted, rolled his eyes and stood up to get prepared for jorney. ,,For God's sake-" was the last thing he whispered.
,,What's the complication?" I wanted to know.
,,They did not tell you about the project?"
,,The fuck? You are the only man we have spoken to!"  Long quiet moment from the other side of phone. I imagined how Janson got mad and I could actually see how he's angry even when he was not standing in front of me.
,,Okay, phh," he breathed loudly, ,,I'll tell you later," he was not able to speak, he was at the end of his nerves.
We said bye to each other.
,,come on guys, we're close to the town, I'm excited what the project is about," Thomas waved at us.


Richard started smoking his cigarette and smiled at Till. The band was sitting in living room in their house they bought together. It was also used as their recording studio.
,,Do you guys think we will ever get somewhere?" Ollie said.
,,I hope so, but have a look, we are smoking and drinking in a moldy room of an old house, hoping for getting higher. Who the fuck would listen to German metal band? We are a group of guys from GERMANY! You know what people imagine under GERMANY? HITLER!" Flake shouted.
,,Calm down," said Richard still smiling, but this time on Paul who fell asleep.
,,How can I calm down?!-"
,,Boys, can you, please, be quiet? I'm talking to manager," Schneider was standing in doors with phone on his ear.
Schneider has bitten his lip and nooded to something. He finished.
,,Guys, we are going to be famous." Reesh clapped his hands, Flake smiled, Till picked up his glass of alcohol above his head, Ollie started laughing and Paul woke up. Paul was as confused as no one else has ever been.
,,What the-... I did not sleep, I swear."
,,We are meeting that British band. British equals popular! We are going to be popular!" Everyone (except for still confused Paul) laughed and was smilling.
,,Later, after lunch... and as manager said: 'don't come dressed up like pigs'."
,,I feel kinda like a barbie: 'WhAt Am I gOnNa WeAr?'" Till made a sweet face.
,,At least you are not Barbie as Richard is," Paul smirked on Reesh. He just smoked his cigarette.
,,I know that I am beautiful, you don't have to remind me that," Richard stood up and went to his bedroom.

,,Berlin, here we are," Thom with circles under eyes pointed out of a window. Fresh air carressed my hair. There is no way comming back.


When the door bell ringed, secretary pushed the button on her table.
,,We came to Mr. Janson and Mr. Smither."
,,Ja, I know, come in." Janson heard a sound of opened doors. They are going to mew for the first time, he has to play like he is interested in their workship.
,,Hello, you must be Mr. Janson?" A young, blond haired adolescent girl offered her hand.
,,Yes, that's me, I'm sooo (awkward sarcasm) glad you came, here, sit," he offered them a sofa. A group of five musicians was sitting in front of him. For a while he felt bad that he does not have taste to get them higher, but it passed away. He gave them a cold gaze.
,,You could wear something more formal," he said and rised his eyebrows.
,,And what is the project about? You sounded so angry, so, should I even ask?" - the blond girl.
Janson turned and walked to window. He felt their gazes on his back but did not respond.

I looked into mirror. On my face I saw all of my problems and stress, even through the smile I was training in front of the mirror.
,,Popularity, think about it," I told myself. Imagined myself in 10 years, with many fans, people would fight to get a ticket on our concert. And bow is the moment we can reach it. I adjusted my suit that perfectly fit on my body. I took a brush and put all of my messy hair to one licked hair-style. I was ready to go.

Janson is such a motherfucker, how is this possible, I don't want him as a manager. I hope they are not gonna kidnap us and rape us somewhere, becouse the way he does not like to speak about the project-
Secretary opened door.
,,Good afternoon everyone, how was your journey?" A high middle aged man came first and behind him next six "men in black". I wanted to sleep, my eyes were about to close, when something got my attention. Between all of the members of the band, one was looking at me. His blue eyes, I felt them on my skin. We made an eye contact but he kept looking into my soul. And then the boy gave the sweetest smile ever seen.

,,Reesh, hey, Richard, are you listening?" I stopped looking at her and realised that manager was saying something.
,,J-ja, sure," I crossed my arms and suggested him to continue.
,,Is-is it a girl am I right?" I asked Paul. He gave me a look like "is this even a question?" And turned away.
She was like an Engel.

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