A Spider in the Tent

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Context: Peter is 18 and has away from home for 7 months now whilst at college. Tony and Pepper are his biological parents, and Harley and Morgan are his siblings.

I smile gently as Morgan looks up at me in awe. She's grown so much since I last saw her. I crouch awkwardly in her tent, it's way too small for me but it's worth it. I can't wait to see Dad's face.

Over the past few weeks, Harley and Mum have been helping me plan this stunt to surprise dad. It's his birthday, and he asked me to come home but I told him I couldn't because of my studies. Of course, he went all Tony Stark on me and offered to bribe the school, but I somehow managed to convince him not to. I then contacted Harley to come and pick me up, and mum would distract dad so that I could get into the garden. My plan was working perfectly. Now, Morgan just had to do her bit.

I watched her as she ran out of the tent, and had to stifle my laugh as I heard her scream. "DADDDDDD!! THERES A MASSIVE SPIDER IN MY TENT." For a couple of minutes, there's silence, but then I hear their footsteps approach me in the tent.

"I thought Starks weren't scared of spiders?" I heard dad say. I can practically hear Morgan's eye roll. "Just because Peter isn't scared of spiders doesn't mean I'm not." She retorts. I shake my head slightly. I might be spiderman, but I'm still petrified of the eight legged monsters.

I squeak slightly as I see dad pull open the flap of Morgan's little tent, and I start laughing as I watch his eyes widen. "What the fu-" "LANGUAGE" shouts Morgan from behind.

Dad grabs hold of me and pulls me into a long awaited hug, before we both stand up and start walking towards the house. "Happy Birthday Dad" I say, grinning up at him. I can't believe I pulled this off.

As we get to the house, I hug Harley and mum, before sitting down and chatting with them about anything and everything. I sense dad walking up behind me, but why did he feel like a threat?

My question was answered as he began hitting me with a newspaper.

Word Count: 390

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