No one knew what to do, causing the four adults to stare as the refrigerator door began to open. " Okay, that can't be good. Right? " Richie questions, watching the door open wider. The door opens fully and what was inside made the four losers hearts beat faster than before.

It was Stanley Uris.

The boy looks much younger than any of them, looking as he did when they first fought IT. Yet he was all bent up inside the refrigerator as if all his bones were broken. The sound of cracking fills the quiet room as Stan begins to look up at his old friends. Macy walks closer to Bill, not wanting to be anywhere near the boy.

" It's Stan. " Richie blurts out, his tone almost positive. The room goes quiet again as Stanley continues to just stare at them before a scream erupts from the boy in the refrigerator. The adults flinch and take a step back as Stan's head detached from his body, now rolling towards them. " Fuck! " Macy screamed, grabbing Bill's arm as she backed away from the rolling head.

Stan looks up at his old friends as the rolling came to a stop. Bill's eyes lock with the head as his hands began to shake. " I'd still be alive if it wasn't for you, Bill. " Stan reminds, his eyes saddened, trying to make Bill feel guilty. It works, as Bill shakes his head before getting out of Macy's grip. The adults look back and forth at one another, neither of them knowing what to do. " Richie? Macy? Eddie? What's happening to me? " Their former friend asks them, giving them a look of confusion and terror. His skin begins cracking, with a look of pain on the boy's face. Macy gags as spider legs begin growing from different parts of the boy's head. Once the legs hit the ground, Stan stands on them.

" You have gotta be fucking kidding! " Richie states, looking at the head of Stan as it laughs maniacally. His laugh grows louder before stopping abruptly, the adults not daring to move a muscle. Opening his mouth to scream again Macy flinches as the Stan-spider hybrid comes straight towards her and Eddie.

Macy puts her head behind Eddie's shoulder and hopes the razor-sharp teeth wouldn't come in contact with her ankles. Eddie lets out a loud grunt as he kicks the spider, making it slam into the wall, causing the two of them to run away from spider-Stan. Eddie backed up into the corner as he watched Bill hit the head out of the room, losing his balance in the process.

Macy curses to herself as she runs towards Bill, holding out her hand and helping the man up to his feet. Bill wraps an arm around Macy's shoulders, with her own arm slinging around his waist, both just trying to calm the other down. They walk towards Richie, who is trying his best to check on the petrified Eddie.

They all freeze in their spots, eyes widening as a string of saliva waves down in between Richie and Eddie's faces. The four adults look up, seeing Stan's head looking down at them with his mouth opened and salivating. " Oh, there he is. " Richie says nervously looking up at the head.

Both Stan and Richie let out a scream in unison as Stan's head jumps down, latching onto Richie's face.

Macy and Bill land on their backs as Richie falls onto them, holding the head away from his face as he screams out for help. They scramble to each side of Richie, grabbing onto the head as it tries to bite Richie's face. "Get it off of me! " Richie screams in distress, eyes closed so he didn't have to look at the head. Macy lets out a groan, now using all her strength to help, Richie.

" Macy, I'll hold it off, get the knife! " Bill screams as his head turns towards the knife on the floor. Macy nods her head and moving her hands from the head. Only stopping once she feels a sharp pain coming from her hand. A scream leaves her mouth as the pain gets worst. Macy's screams only got louder, making Bill realizes that one of the smaller legs had begun digging itself into Macy's hand. " The leg is fucking stabbing me! " Macy yells, holding her wrist as the leg goes deeper into her hand.

Bill looks away from the screaming Macy, now looking towards Eddie, who is watching from the corner of the room. " Eddie get the knife. " Bill yelled over again. Yelling over the agonizing screams coming from both Richie and Macy. Eddie remains in the corner, standing still with only his head shaking, feeling to petrified to move. " Eddie, please! Get the fucking knife! " Macy pleads in agony, now feeling the leg beginning to twist inside her hand.

Macy looked at Eddie again, a part of her knowing he wasn't going to be moving. This made Macy take a deep breath and latch her other hand around the leg that was digging itself into her hand. Her and the head let out a scream as she broke the leg, detaching it from the head. Macy falls onto her back, the leg still logged into her hand. Ignoring the intense pain for a moment, she reaches for the knife and grips it with one hand, screaming as she stabs it into spider-Stans head over and over again.

The head goes limp, allowing Bill to rip it off, Richie. He threw it far away from the group towards the now opened door. The now seven losers watch in shock as the head crawls away down the hallway. Beverly runs directly towards Richie while Mike and Ben run towards Macy and Bill. Macy watches the hand twitch inside of her, causing Ben to try and help her, only to get cut off by Bill's screams.

" Georgie's dead, the kid's dead...Stanley's Dead! You want Richie too? " Making tears run down Eddie's face as he shakes his head in the corner of the room. " I don't, I don't," Eddie repeats looking down at the coughing Richie and feeling the guilt wash over him. Macy forgets her pain for a moment and looks at Eddie's guilty and tear-stained face. " Please, don't be mad Bill. I was just scared. " He pleads, noticing the grip Bill held on his shoulder got weaker.

" That's what IT wants, don't give it to him. " Bill mutters as he turns away from Eddie, feeling guilty that he had lashed out on him. " Ow, fuck! " Macy screams, breaking the silence as the leg twitches from inside her hand. Everyone runs towards the woman as she clutches her bleeding hand.

Tears run down her face as the pain continues. " Someone get it out of me. " Macy says through sobs as she buries her head into Mike's chest, not wanting to look at her hand. " Okay, I'm just gonna pull it out. " Ben states nervously, making all the losers cringe at the twitching leg. " Just fucking get it! " A muffled yell comes from Mike's chest as he runs his hands up and down the girls back trying to ease her pain.

Ben rips the leg cleanly out of Macy's hand, causing her to let out a loud sob from Mike's chest. Ben throws the hand across the room, watching it scatter away down the hall in the direction the head of Stan went. Macy lifts her head and sighs, watching the blood drip from the slight hole in her hand. " Jesus fuck, that hurt. " Wiping the tears from her face.

She watches Ben tap around his pockets, before pulling out crumpled up bandage wrap from his pocket. " This is from when we were patching Eddie up, it's not the best quality but it's something. " Ben mutters as he wraps the remaining bandages around her hand. " Thank you, Ben. " Macy says as he finishes wrapping her hand. The adults all stand up, looking around at each other as they begin walking towards the stairs in silence. Each still trying to process what had just happened.

Macy and Eddie trail behind the group, watching them go down the stairs first. " Are you okay? " Macy turns towards the voice behind her, being faced with a nervous Eddie. She gives him a sympathetic smile and nods her head, knowing that he still felt guilty about the whole ordeal they had all just went through. " Richie and I are both fine, just shaken up. Bill was just shaken up too, but he shouldn't have snapped at you like that. " She reassures trying to make him feel better.

" I was just scared, I don't want any of you to die, I love you all too much, I love Richie too much to watch you all die because of me. " Eddie rambles, pausing as he realized what he had just said, now looking at Macy with wide eyes. A small smile grows across the woman's face, walking closer towards Eddie and wrapping her arms around the man. " I know Eddie, I know. " She mutters as he lets out a sigh of relief into her neck, holding onto her for comfort.

The two detach from each other, looking at the other with smiles. Macy places her hand on Eddie's shoulder as they noticed everyone is in the basement. " Well...let's kill this fucking clown. " Macy states before walking down the stairs of the Neibolt house with Eddie at her side.

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