Chapter 4

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Addylyn's POV
It's been a 2 months since I dropped the boys off at the airport and said goodbye to my best friends of 17 years not knowing the next time I would see them and hug my boys again. 2 months of not waking up on the weekends jumping in my bed telling me the plans for that day. 2 months of Daniel not bringing me breakfast every morning before school. 2 months of not being able to go the boys every time I needed them. 2 months without my boys

But today is finally the day I get to see them today. I drove down to Arkansa yesterday night and then stayed at a hotel. I couldn't wait for today I finally get to see my boys again. I barely slept last night because I was so excited.

I woke up and immediately got ready the concert starts at 7:00 at night, but I wanted to walk around town and shop before I had to meet Tyler the boy's manager. So he could get me into the concert and show me where I would meet him after so I could surprise the boys. I left my hotel and went into a lot of cute little shops, and had lunch.

At around 5:30 I headed to the venue the concert would be at. I couldn't wipe the permanent smile off my face, the boys have been a band for only 2 months and they already have so much support. It's crazy, this is the first time I get to actually see them perform live. I was so proud of them and what they accomplished even in their first few months of being a band.

I headed to where Tyler told me to meet him so he could let me into the concert, he got me tickets far enough from the stage so that they boys wouldn't be able to see me at all during the concert. So that way the surprise wouldn't be ruined.

The lights dimmed, the music started, hundreds of girls around me started screaming like they had just won the lottery, five figures appeared on stage the lights illuminating their bodies. I started smiling as soon as I saw them. There they were, my best friends standing on stage in front of hundreds of screaming fans. Standing up there on that stage owning it; they were in their element. As the show started and they began to sing they were interacting with their fans making about fifty teenage girls about pass out every five seconds. I smiled and felt so proud of my boys this is what they were supposed to be doing, they were supposed to be up on stage making fans happy while they pursued what they love to do. Their dreams were coming true and I got to be there to experience it all.

"Goodnight Arkansa! Thank you everyone for coming out, we love you, oh and one last thing we are Why Don't We!" The boys yelled while running off the stage. The lights turned back on, the screaming died down, the concert had just ended which means after a very long year I finally get to see my best friends again. I headed to where Tyler told me to meet them, the boys had a meet and greet going on right now. Tyler was going to have me wait until everyone had finished meeting the boys then I would walk in.

"Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock." Time ticked by like a turtle crossing the road. I sat in a greenroom that Tyler told me to wait in, growing impatient as the minutes passed. Could this meet and greet go any slower I just wanted to get in there and hug my best friends after the longest year of my life. I thought to myself tapping my leg, looking at the clock for about the fiftieth time that minute. The door to the greenroom finally opened snapping me out of my thoughts I looked up seeing Tyler looking at me with the biggest smile on his face.

"It's time Addy," Tyler said while holding the door open for me. I immediately jumped out of my seat and walked out of the door following Tyler to where the boys were. This is it in just a few more minutes, I would get to hug my best friends again.

"Wait out here while I tell them that there is someone else who wants to see them ok?" Tyler told me looking at me before he entered the room where the boys were waiting.

"Ok," I replied he nodded at me then walked into the room. My stomach felt like my insides were about to spill out. I couldn't help but be nervous, the only thing that is separating me from seeing the boys was a flimsy door that I could knock down at any given moment if I had the urge to. I heard Tyler talking to the boys then I finally heard my cue I opened the door, walked into the room and saw the boys standing there with the most shocked faces I have ever seen in my life.

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