Chapter 2

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Addylyn's POV
The next day
It was the last day of Junior year of high school before fall break the boys and I were walking to school when they said they had something important to tell me.

"Hey Addy, we need to talk to you," Daniel told me looking everywhere but my face clearly nervous. Which is weird because Daniel is never serious around me we're always joking around with each other.

"What's up?" I asked looking at all of my friends who looked like their entire life had just flashed before their eyes.

"Well you know how our whole lives me and the boys have loved singing, and we realized how good we sound together," Jonah said pausing waiting for me to say something.

"Ya of course I love hearing y'all sing together." Our whole lives the boys have loved singing and playing instruments, and around sixth-grade they finally started singing together and they sounded amazing.

"Well me and the boys talked to each other and our parents. We decided that we want to pursue singing so were going to form a band," Jack said.

I smiled immediately I am so glad that they are finally going to pursue singing and not let their amazing talent go to waste. "That's amazing y'all I'm so proud of guys." I replied smiling ear to ear while looking at my best friends, who didn't look as happy as I did.

"Ya it's amazing and all, but in order for us to become a band and get noticed by labels we have to move to LA." Corbyn muttered while looking down.

I stared at the boys not knowing what to say to make this situation any less life altering than it was. I am so proud of the boys and want nothing more for them to share their talent with the world. But how am I supposed to survive the rest of high school without my best friends by my side. As I was thinking to myself, I realized this isn't about me this is about the boys and they deserve this no matter what I think or feel.

"That's amazing y'all, yeah we won't be right next door everyday but we can always call and text." I said, they all started objecting saying that if I don't want them to leave they won't I just have to tell them to stay. No matter what they said I can't make them stay this is their dream, and I'm not going to be the reason they stay.

"No!" I yelled, cutting them off from their protests, they all stared at me shocked. "No matter what you guys say, I'm not letting me stand in the way of y'alls dreams. You guys are going to LA and you are going to make it big and live out your dreams. You guys go have fun doing what you love, and I'll be here cheering you on from home. Just don't forget me when you guys become rockstars," I said smiling at my best friends.

"We could never forget you," Zach said while pulling me in for a hug. Next thing I know I'm in the middle of a huge hug from the boys. I just laughed while hugging them back. Once we let go from the hug we headed to school laughing and talking as if the biggest news in our entire life had not just been said.

I tried to show how happy I was for the boys but I don't know how I was going to survive the rest of high school and everyday in general without my boys by my side. Without being able to hop over from my balcony to theirs in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep and knew they were awake. Not only would I be without my best friends but I would be without Daniel.

No one knows it but I have the biggest crush on Daniel and I don't know how I'm going to get through life without him and the boys by my side. But this is their dream and I'm not going to let myself stand in the way of that.

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