Chapter 1

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Addylyn's POV
Addylyn Silver to most people,Addy to my best friends and parents. A girl they pass in the halls to strangers, a 5'6-17 year old girl in her junior year of high school who is amazing at sports to those who read the newspaper. The girl whose best friends left her to live out their dreams to myself. All different names to describe the same person

Hi, I'm Addylyn Silver and I am best friends with the boys. We have lived next door to each other since the day we are born and all growing up have done everything together. Our parents were best friends all growing up and as soon as they had all of us they immediately had us hanging out. Wherever I went the boys were 5 steps behind me. It was was like any other day of Junior year of High School and I was getting ready in my bathroom. The boys come to my house in the morning and we all walk to school together.

Our group consists of 6 people there's me the sports star and the only girl. Daniel Seavey the musical genius and baseball star. Jonah Marias the baseball star, and the mom of the group. Corbyn Besson the football star and space nerd. Jack Avery the other football star and the skater. Then finally we have Zach Herron the soccer star and the baby of the group.

-20 minutes later-
I was straightening my hair when I heard people running up the stairs yelling. I immediately knew it was my boys I swear they can never be quiet. 5 seconds later my door swung open and all 5 boys ran into my room.
"Addy save me they're trying to kill me" Zach yelled while running and hiding behind me.

"What did you do this time Z?"

"What makes you think I did something?" Zach asked while coming out from behind me still scared that at any second he would be tackled.

"Because when do you not do anything" everyone started laughing. I finished my hair while the boys messed around.

Once I was done getting ready I walked into my room and sat down on my bed with the boys. I laid my head down on Daniel's lap he immediately started playing with my hair while I just smiled. "Daniiiiiii"


"Did you get me anything to eat for breakfast?"

"No.." Daniel replied which shocked me because he always brings me food.


"Of course I brought you food when do I never bring you food." He said while pulling out a chocolate croissant and a Carmel frap from Starbucks.

I just smiled and took the bag and drink from him. We still had 20 mins before we had to leave for school. So we all sat on my bed talking about our classes school and life.

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