Talking About Lazie

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Me Paris and Jazz was sitting in my room

Me-man I don't like her she thinks she's the shit when she ain't even all that

Paris-I know right! She needs to get over herself

Jazz-now that you know she likes roc what are you going to do?

Me-I'm not going to give them any chances of being alone together and when they're in a room together ima make sure me or someone else is in there with them

Jazz-ok but if I was you I would of beat her ass

Me-yeah but I'm not a fighter but I like watching them

paris-true me too

Jazz-ok whatever but if she does it again ima beat her ass for you

Me-hahaha ok we're done talking about her now


Me-let's do something today

Jazz-like what?

Me&Paris-water park

Me-jinx blackout

Paris-Damn it

Jazz-Wow but ok cool let's tell the others

Me-ok I get roc Paris you get diggy jazz you get Ray and ima get Prince and prod lazie can stay here don't even mention it to her


They walk off and so do I I go to rocs room and open the door

Me-babe get dressed we're going to the water park

Roc-ok cool

I walk out and go to prods room

Me-hey Crisco get dressed we going to a water park


I go to princes room

Me-hey afro puff get dressed we going to a water park


Then I go to my room and get dressed I put on a purple bikini with white polka dots on it

Jazz has red with white polka dots

Paris has black with white polka dots

Me-we look sexy


Then the boys come out

Roc has black and blue trunks on

Me-ohhh you look sexy baby boy

Roc-thanks ma

Me-you're welcome

Ray has purple and black trunks

Prod has red and black trunks

Prince has green and black trunks

Diggy has on Orange and black

Jacob latimore had on yellow and black trunks

Jerome has light blue and black trunks

Me-ok y'all ready?


Me-ok leggo

We leave and go to the water park

mindless behavior roc royal (faithful or is it) love storyWhere stories live. Discover now